If even a big-headed purpled-eyed freak like Aqualad can learn the importance of frequent conditioning with salon-quality hair-care products, you can, too!

Remember, kids: there's nothing that makes you feel better about yourself or look more well-composed to others than well kept hair!
Because the only thing more aggravating than having to fight for your life while watching your infant being asphixiated by your archenemy is A BAD HAIR DAY!
Y'know, not a single day goes by where I don't tell myself that very thing.
Besides a natural fixation for busty redheads I didn't think me and Aquaman had anything in common, so it's good to know we share similar philosophies about life.
San Fancisco, brother.
(Sorry for the typo -- my Atlantean's a little rusty. Which seems appropriate, given its immersion in salt water.)
If only all of our national leaders paid as much attention to the importance of proper hair care.
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