2. Wash your hair with a conditioning shampoo.
It can be a chore, yes, but it can also be a fun activity when shared with a friend.
Even if that friend is a big-headed purple-eyed freak.
Without a conditioning shampoo, your hair can start to puff out into an Atlant-Afro, which will make your head look enormous.
But with a conditioning shampoo, your hair can be supple, shiny, and the admiration of the ladies night and day.

That last frame puts little pink candy hearts in my eyes, too...
If I had only known for all these years that Aquaman was a veiled 50s "Keeping Neat and Clean" classroom short!
REALLY bad hair day.
Bad hair YEAR.
Here's hoping writer Tad Williams is sharping his scissors right now...!
P.S. Come now, Farsider; would I joke about haircare?
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