Starman is no mere muscleman. The inventor of the incredible Cosmic Rod, Starman is a master scientist. As such he is trained in observation and deduction as essential elements of the scientific method.
Thus, nothing escapes his notice:

And, like any good scientist, he even announces his findings for peer review.
I always tend to chuckle at your posts, but for some reason this just made me start laughing hysterically. Thank You sir, you have brightened my day.
We need a new Starman series written exactly like his run in Adventure Comics. But double the amount of drama!
I talked my friend into doing his final Audio project as a Starman Radio show. Should be good.
Is it just me or does that room not actually appear to be round?
Peer review... Drinking while reading the Absorbascon may result in sudden spit-takes.
Starman just likes to announce things. When he gets out of bed in the morning, he yells "I'm getting up!" When he's in the shower, he announces, "I'm getting Wet!" And so on and so on.
Incidentally, it makes trying to sit down and have a nice dinner with him, REALLY annoying.
"I'm having STEAK, and I'm ENJOYING IT!"
"Incidentally, it makes trying to sit down and have a nice dinner with him, REALLY annoying.
"I'm having STEAK, and I'm ENJOYING IT!""
Ah, but he eats for free in any restaurant in town...
I, too, enjoy announcing my observations often. Unfortunately, my wife hates it when I'm in the bathroom.
Totally off topic, but
1) Duela Dent is starring in the first issue of Countdown
2) Darkseid has gone from playing with Super Powers figures (in the Legends mini) to playing with Scipio's Heroclix (Countdown)
COuntdown preview:
That IS interesting...
Oh, my.
I guess that explains why the prepayment for the custom Duela Dent HeroClix arrived not by PayPal but by Boom Tube. Guess I'd better get busy on it; wouldn't want this customer to get impatient!
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