Today I post simply to thank reader Randy Sims for his generosity in sending me all three of the Sword-of-the-Atom Specials (1984, 1985, and 1988), and another comic too uproarious to be mentioned. Poor Devon made the mistake of reading the unmentioned issue before I could warn him, and had to be assisted to the couch for the administration of oxygen and palliative compounds.
Know, Randy, that you will see the results of your generosity. Not immediately, perhaps, but inevitably.
For now, I simply give you all the comforting thought that somehow, sometime, whether because you've done something wrong -- or perhaps something right -- or perhaps for no reason at all...
Jean Loring might come...

You're welcome, I think...
Jean Loring. Keeping children up at night in fear since 1961.
What an alarming thought! I'm not a superstitious man (praise the Luck Lords) but might there be some manner of charm or ward to keep Jean Loring at bay?
Pillbox hats. Little white gloves.
She likes those.
She won't hurt you if you're wearing those.
Which I why I usually do.
Thanks... I owe you one, buddy!
*mentally plots course for Sector 1962*
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