Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Things That Made Me Happy

in my comics this week.

  • Hawkman's expository soliloquy.
  • Brainiac 5 doing, well, what only Brainiac 5 can do.
  • The perfectly logical explanation of why Superman (et al.) are better than their anti-matter countparts.
  • How can anyone not be able to tell the difference between the waltz and the cha-cha?
  • Hey, looks like Gog took the same classes on Divine Retribution that the Spectre took.
  • "I'll walk with Gog"; that would make a great song title!
  • That is almost exactly how a dog thinks.
  • What Geoff did with Lance. As ALWAYS, Geoff's plan seems obvious in retrospect, but you never, ever, ever see it coming!
  • "Ding-dang".
  • The Lyapunov terminus boundary. In a frickin' comic book.
  • Of course; that's who Enigma is.
  • I don't know who Wonderdog is, but I feel I owe him a great debt of gratitude.
  • The magic wand joke in Spider-Man. Nice one.
  • How to represent "helium voice" in a word balloon.
  • Thank you, Robin, for not acting like there's nothing else going on in your other books.
  • You know, I'd want a dog like that... if I didn't already have one.
  • "Yes, I know my own name, thank you." Occasional real-world reactions to expository exclamations can be refreshing!
  • Oh, grife, Kin'thea is falling for the charms of Garth, and I think I am, too.
  • The ending to Teen Titans Year One is... odd. Disturbingly.
  • Ultraman is still a moron.
  • The pantry at Legion HQ is unusually ... well stocked.
  • Well, really, the only good thing I can say about that is: I got to see Geo-Force's throat get slit.
  • Aqualad's showercap. Particularly since it took me a full minute before I asked myself, "Why is he wearing a showercap?"
  • Okay, I shouldn't find "Anti-venom" brilliant; but I do anyway.
  • "Shut up. No questions. Do as I say." Really; how can you not love that man?


  1. Ding-dang...Ultraman will always be a Moron.

    Okay I was going to wait until tomorrow like I usually do...but for some reason I feel this need to get my comics tonight after work...

  2. Next to actually getting my comics, Scipio, your happy things are the funnest part of reading comics! Thanks!

  3. I agree! I look forward to it every week!!

  4. Just read Superman Beyond. I'll be back tomorrow because it just BLEW MY MIND into tomorrow so I'll have to get it before I starting saying random wordsgizzard poop squirrels.

  5. I may not live in the 31st century but I'd still like to find those items in my pantry.

    And I was so certain the last item was a Hawkman quote until I read my comics tonight. They really ought to team up someday.

    ...Supergirl and Catman could also.

  6. Holy Crap! I just read Teen Titans #62? Holy Crap!!! Marvin? Wendy? Wonder Dog?? Who saw that coming!!!??

    Makes me want to try sleeping with one eye open and watching my dog tonight and for the rest of my life! Wow what a surprise!

    And it me or does Kid Devil'a new costume make him look like he just got back from IML weekend?? Is there something he should tell his teammates?

    I have to say I really liked this issue of Teen Titans!

  7. Superman's explanation to Ultraman was indeed a wonderful reason why the League is so much better than those antimatter losers.

    If I were Atlas, and a dog was growling at ME like that, I'd run.

    Aqualad's showercap was unnecessary...but hilarious.

    Geoforce actually DID something for a change! I...I don't quite know how to react.

    I love the Rogues. Libra had better watch out.

  8. "What Geoff did with Lance. As ALWAYS, Geoff's plan seems obvious in retrospect, but you never, ever, ever see it coming!"

    Is this sarcasm, because I saw that coming a mile away. "Oh hey, a bunch of new characters, and Gog! I wonder wich one's gonna be Magog, how about that guy who carries an alien energy weapon, that seems like a safe bet"

  9. Nope; you're officially cleverer than I am!

    Never occurred to me a SECOND Magog was in the works. I thought Geoff was playing against the expectations of Kingdom Come.

  10. I'm not clear on who Enigma's supposed to be..

  11. He's the Riddler of the anti-matter universe.

    Ordinarily, he'd be a hero, since the Riddler is a villain. But the Riddler has reformed. Since it's been made explicit in the story that the anti-universe is reactive to changes in the plus-universe and not the other way around, when the Riddler reformed, Enigma became a villain.

    I would not be surprised, therefore, if part of the solution to defeating the anti-Trinity is to force the Riddler back to his life of crime.

  12. "does Kid Devil'a new costume make him look like he just got back from IML weekend?? Is there something he should tell his teammates?"

    There's something he should tell ME: his phone number, LOL!

  13. "Geoforce actually DID something for a change! I...I don't quite know how to react."

    With disgust that a Final Crisis one-shot was wasted on Geo-Force vs. Deathstroke, the fight no one but Brad Meltzer wanted to see?

  14. See, I didn't get that he was necessarily the anti-Riddler. Unless there's some specific clue I'm missing. Because he has elements of other Bat-rogues..

  15. " it me or does Kid Devil'a new costume make him look like he just got back from IML weekend??"

    I just googled IML. I should have known by now. I can only blame myself.

    farsider (still a fan)

  16. Weird coincidence: Just this week I've been re-reading my old Miracleman books from Eclipse. Finished the Miracledog segment last night, read Teen Titans today. Wendy should have said Steppenwolf.

  17. Now they just need to have Gleek do the same to the 90s versions of Zan and Jayna...once you take THEM away from IML weekend!

  18. "Well, really, the only good thing I can say about that is: I got to see Geo-Force's throat get slit."

    I think I figured out why you hate Geo-Force.

    Geo-Force is everything Aquaman isn't.

    Setting aside the obvious water/rock difference, their characters are similar but opposite.

    Aquaman is regal. He has a kingly presence that comes across even to beings from other planets. Geo-Force is aristocratic. He's haughty and petulant, and he always has to remind people that he's a prince.

    Aquaman is inspiring. Either through his actions or his words or his low-level telepathy, Aquaman is a natural leader. Geo-Force just wants people to do what he says. No one is inspired by Geo-Force.

    And so on. But I'm already leaving too long of a comment.

  19. The Teen Titans Year One story was ... odd, to say the least. If not for the cool art, I'd have dropped it long before the sixth issue.

  20. Finally got to the shop and got this week's massive stack o' books.

    The Shooter LSH has finally clicked as far as I'm concerned; it's starting to really seem like the Legion, though I could do without the Garth/Imra/etceteras subplot. Brainy was great.

    Scipio said: "With disgust that a Final Crisis one-shot was wasted on Geo-Force vs. Deathstroke, the fight no one but Brad Meltzer wanted to see?"

    While I didn't touch the thing, I'm under the impression that it was not particularly a FC tie-in. Wasn't it titled "DCU: Last Will and Testament" rather than "FC: Last Will and Testament"? It didn't have the FC trade dress or anything else. From what I can gather, it doesn't fit in *at all* with the continuity of FC, and is just "the night before some really big fight."

    Trinity has been making steady progress and is really starting to feel like a Busiek book-- which is high praise.

    Krypto rocks.
