Saturday, October 20, 2007

Artist Showcase: Jon Maki

From Jon Maki of Leesburg, Virginia, we have the idiosyncratically titled, ""Oh Yeah, There's a REASON I Stopped Pursuing My Childhood Dream of Being a Comic Book Artist", which I have decided to subtitle as "Jean's Back-Up Plan"...


  1. That's certainly as logical as the plan Metzler gave her.

  2. That was pretty much my thinking when I did the picture.

  3. What, like she needs an elaborate albeit insane rationale for bonking H.J. onna noggin? Innit, like, its own reward?

  4. Yeah, yeah, Jean, you just keep telling yourself that. I'm sure that you just can't resist the chance to give Hal a give whack on the head. Heck, we ALL want to.

    And I LIKE Hal. I just really really enjoy seeing him get bonked.
    In the head. Get your minds out of the gutters.

  5. The variant subtitle for this picture of course being: "A scene from Brad Meltzer's 'Green Lantern: Rebirth'".

  6. Note the fear-laden color of Jean's dress ... little-known fact that she's an associate member of the Sinestro Corps ...
