Sunday, May 06, 2007

GOD that hand is beautiful!

Hal Jordan is opportunity.


  1. I've never encountered the phrase "rap a gay tattoo" before: the image which first sprang to mind was Jay-Z and Hervé Villechaize performing a love-duet...

    the horror!

  2. Heh. That's even funnier than Clark wanting to take Lois to "some gay place"...

    ...although not as funny as Captain America and Bucky:

    Cap: "Yessir, Bucky m'lad, this outfit was the rage in the Gay Nineties."

    Bucky: "This one must have been the outrage of those gay days!"

  3. The hand's ok, but the wrist is oddly swollen. Too much gay rapping I suppose.

  4. Just wanted you to know, that I have been so inspired by your 'Reasons to love Starman' posts that I have put together a radio drama style mp3 staring him.

    You rule!
