Thursday, April 05, 2007

"Haircare with Aquaman" Week, No. 5

5. Conditioning!

If even a big-headed purpled-eyed freak like Aqualad can learn the importance of frequent conditioning with salon-quality hair-care products, you can, too!

Remember, kids: there's nothing that makes you feel better about yourself or look more well-composed to others than well kept hair!

"Eat your heart out, Alan Scott!"

Trust me, boys; the time you invested in haircare is well worth. Because the only thing more aggravating than having to fight for your life while watching your infant being asphixiated by your archenemy is



  1. Because the only thing more aggravating than having to fight for your life while watching your infant being asphixiated by your archenemy is A BAD HAIR DAY!

    Y'know, not a single day goes by where I don't tell myself that very thing.

    Besides a natural fixation for busty redheads I didn't think me and Aquaman had anything in common, so it's good to know we share similar philosophies about life.

  2. (Sorry for the typo -- my Atlantean's a little rusty. Which seems appropriate, given its immersion in salt water.)

  3. If only all of our national leaders paid as much attention to the importance of proper hair care.
