Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Haikuesday for Pa

Does anyone miss -- or even remember -- Haikuesday?

Like wheat in the fall,
Pa's cut down, leaving behind
a boy and his dog.

Care to try one yourself?


  1. "With all my powers,"
    as Christopher Reaves once said,
    "I could not save him."

  2. Poor Pa Kent is dead,
    Victim of an attempt to
    Imitate "Smallville".

  3. What? He's dead again?
    A poor fate for a good man.
    Donner has issues.

  4. I wrote a great one
    Full of sadness, pain, and heart.
    Then Blogger went down.

  5. Morrison did it*.
    He did it and made me cry.
    Man, I love Krypto.

    *In All-Star Superman # 6, so (I'm pretty positive) its not part of regular continuity. Am I wrong about that?

  6. All-Star is not part of continuity, no. IN fact, All-Star is the very opposite of continuity, though many no doubt feel (like myself), than that is in some ways a bad thing.

    Here's mine:

    Y'know, all of this,
    And we will still never know:
    Just "Who was J. Lo.?"

  7. Morrison did it?
    I guess I was mistaken.
    Sorry, Sir Donner.

  8. Ah, I finally remembered what I wanted to write but lost when Blogger went offline:

    I bet Kal's thinking
    Does no one mow the lawn here
    In Smallville Graveyard?

  9. Hmmm #1

    Two dead dads. Hmmm. It's
    Looking less like bad luck now,
    More like carelessness.

    Hmmm #2

    Hmmm. If Earth had gone
    Ka-boom first, would Batman have
    A Kansasite ring?

  10. "Seriously, dude.
    Yo Superman! Stop moping,
    and get my dinner."

  11. 1)
    Should be sad right now...
    Krypto has a better cape
    For that: dog must die.

    With my heat vision
    I should have carved a better
    gravestone. More ornate?

    Can't believe Pa's dead!
    He taught me so much of life.
    Krypto sniffed my crotch.

    Yea verily I hath missed Haikuesday...

  12. Hard to take death so
    Seriously because dog
    Has a friggin'cape

  13. Caution: This cover
    spoils a key, pivotal
    event in Kal's life
