Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Poet Aureate

He's evil.

He's brilliant.

AND he's poetic.

Waverider. The seer
of Hypertime. Keeper of
divergent timelines.

Nice one, Evil Skeets! Anybody can make a haiku, but only a true villain can make them sound really ominous.

The glory of Evil Skeets deserves haiku (as does the imminent destruction of much-despised Living Plot Device and leftover embarrasment, Waverider).

Can you do Skeets justice with haiku of your own?


  1. Flaming heads are dumb
    Go Evil Skeets! Get 'em good!
    Where is Firestorm?

  2. Haiku #1

    Once righteous sidekick,
    You now heed a darker lord!
    Thou follow thyself!

    Haiku #2

    Skeet, floating ovoid,
    you are like a less racist
    version of Egg Foo.

  3. Skeets: evil. Dirk Davis:
    Manhunter. Wow. That Booster
    Gold sure could pick 'em.

  4. Skeets feels he was wronged
    He seeks what was denied him:
    Opposable thumbs

  5. On the JL Toon
    Skeets was voiced by Billy West
    From Futurama.

  6. Who can stop Skeets now?
    Who has a cooler spaceship?
    Poop-a-doop! Quislet!

  7. Annoying robot;
    Annoying temporal guy;
    Feh! to both of them.

  8. PDA gone bad
    Destroys Jurgens' legacies
    Up next: suicide?

  9. Hi there, Waverider.
    I hate to tell you this, but
    You're wearing my skin.

  10. I don't have a haiku of my own [yet], but isn't this the fourth or fifth time Waverider has died? It's like people keep bringing the Linear Men back to life to kill them again. Either these characters are the "Kenny" of the DC Universe, or there constant resurrections are some sort of sign... personally, I think the Linear Men could be used well, if given the chance.

  11. er, "their," not "there"

  12. Scipio, I just noticed:

    "Poet Aureate"

    The Golden Poet.

    Just wanted you to know someone appreciated the reference.

    (BTW, is the c silent in scipio?)
