Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Haikuesday with J'onn J'onnz

J'onn was distracted when he composed this somewhat klunky haiku from our recent post on "Marshalation", one of the Top Ten Clues You're in a Silver Age Justice League Story.

As soon as my full
strength has returned I'll make short
work of those Bee-Men.

You know what to do...!


  1. Blow, stretch, scared of fire,
    as one of DC's strongest
    guys I sure do suck.

  2. Blow, stretch, scared of fire,
    as one of DC's strongest
    guys I sure do suck.

  3. Almighty Mars-Man
    Not as handsome as Kal-El
    Sucks to be you, J'onn

  4. I wonder if J'onn
    Made short work of those Bee-Men
    Helped by the Red Bee?

  5. Michael?!?!?

    We thought you were DEAD!

    How's Rick?

  6. Thank goodness for J'onn!
    He'll open up a can of
    Raid on their hinders!

  7. The scheming Bee-Men
    Defeated by superbreath
    That looks like semen

    Look at jolly green J'Onn;
    So happy without a brow!
    Now it's like a shelf

    Silver Age J'Onn J'Onzz
    Looks like Dizzy Gillespie,
    Martian Trumpeter

  8. Scipio said:
    We thought you were DEAD!
    How's Rick?

    Geez, what a lousy haiku.

    But sorry, I'm not that Michael. And I'm not dead yet (I'm feeling better now... I think I'll go for a walk... I feel happy!)

  9. 2 days late and 2 dollars short, but here I go:

    All those great powers.
    Yet, he goes with blowing things...
    So "don't ask, don't tell."
