Saturday, January 11, 2025

To The Artists on "The Atom Project"

 As has been mentioned in comics about 27,000 times, Ray Palmer is 6 foot tall.

I mean... it's built into his schtick, people.

Ryan Choi is 5'8".

For the record, 5'8" is not "short, short". It's barely even "short".  He's taller than I am. 

Other than Ray's auburn hair color and Ryan being Chinese, their heights are perfectly much the only defining physical characters they have.  

It is NOT asking too much to have you draw them at different heights, especially when together. 

And if it IS too much, then you shouldn't be the artists on The Atom, which is pretty dependent on being able to draw things at different sizes.


  1. One could No-Proze the inconsistent heights by saying they are a side effect of repeatedly using white dwarf star matter to shrink and regrow…

    … but this is DC. They don’t make mistakes and expect fans to bail them out, they reboot the universe so that the mistakes never happened.

    - Mike Loughlin

  2. I would be terribly amused if DC saw my observation and used it as an excuse to reboot their universe. Emphasis on the "terribly".
