Wednesday, May 12, 2021

College Days: The Flash

Flash Fact: Of course Barry Allen has a college degree; he's a forensic scientist.


  1. Barry may have taken five years, because he's late for everything, but yeah, it's hard to imagine even a middle-of-nowhere city in the 1950s skipping degrees, for what was a younger discipline.

  2. Does he have a master's?

  3. Probably. I mean... he's got the TIME.

  4. I'd vote yes for master's, too. I went to graduate school at night, typically two nights a week. That leaves plenty of time for super-speeding about. Even being in class wouldn't be too much of an issue -- using the excuse of a trip to the bathroom would serve to allow Barry to handle most crimes. Heck, sit in the back of the room and when the professor turns his or her back, zip out and apprehend a purse-snatcher.
