Saturday, June 11, 2016

Dad versus Mom, Gotham-style


  1. That's right Bruce... because Robins are dime a dozen. Forgive me if I trust Kate a bit more in this instance.

  2. Batman and Batwoman working together instead of against each other?

    Oh, I'm in....

  3. I read Detective 934 a few minutes ago. It was fine. I'll read the next couple issues before I decide whether or not to continue.

    Seeing Cassandra Cain as a cast member, still recognizable to those of us who loved the first couple years of her original solo series? That gave me an actual thrill and a feeling of hopefulness. She had a standard introductory scene, absolutely nothing special about it. The details, however- the type of crime she was investigating and her one-word reassurance, the fact that she could go too far due to her background- felt really right. Here's hoping she gets the spotlight soon.

    - Mike Loughlin

  4. I was very happy to see the Spoiler. Go, Steph!

    I used to like Tim Drake, but nowadays I wonder if the "Red" in "Red Robin" is short for "Redundant."

    I have read very few Cassandra Cain comics but I'm willing to give her a chance. I understand why she can't be Batgirl anymore. (They already got one.) But did nobody in Editorial notice that "Orphan" is a dumb code name?

    And speaking of Editorial being asleep at the switch - Clayface?

  5. Glad to see GCPD have still have that 24 hour anti-sniper sweep on all the buildings around the Bat-Signal. Does Bruce Wayne still pay for that?
