Thursday, May 16, 2013

Weird from any angle

Oh... and then there was the time that J'onn J'onnz took some pictures his for on-line profile on the hook-up site,

Hopelessly square or just impossibly weird?  It's J'onn J'onnz, who can say...?


  1. Not sure why connects to an artist named Robert Scott. Maybe he is trickier than we give him credit for.

  2. Is he standing inside the wall? Because the skirting board is visible through his pants leg.

  3. Check out his right shoulder as well -- he's going invisible and/or immaterial and taking a picture of it. If we ask "why" there's likely to be a relatively reasonable answer, so it's better to ask who he thinks would be turned on by it.

  4. J'onn can be pretty transparent some times.

    I think the whole "sexy butt pic while wearing cuffed dad-chinos" is the real oddity. "Wouldn't you like to drive over this butt...?"

  5. Pfft. You're all focusing on the wrong thing. J'onn has purple walls, orange flooring to complement his orange furniture, and pink matting on his pictures. Now THAT'S weird. Anybody would know he was a Martian.

  6. Maybe the Martians invented Facebook instead of fire.

  7. J'onn rules. He has access to all sorts of fabulous modern technology, but he CHOSES to go Mid-Century Modern...just for the aesthetic.

    The man is an artist!

  8. I can't believe I forgot about J'onn's well-paved butt. If you have a heart, then cars driving over J'onn's butt are a part of you.

  9. I wonder if be also took pictures of himself in his pussy secret ID for one of those LOLcat sites.
