Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Things That Made Me Happy

in my comics this week.

  • "Three weeks from now"? Interesting; I look forward to finding out who's beating the crap out of Batman, and why.
  • Barry's benday fade-out.
  • William Hand's unusual career move.
  • The severe change in Black Canary's origin. I approve.
  • Superman's xenophobia...?
  • Kara's pet problems.
  • So.... I assume Tim Wayne owns Wayne Enterprises now?
  • Two-Face --wisely -- insisting on seeing things from more than one perspective, and the knowledge that gives him.
  • Sean Sonus: classic villain origin!
  • Coast City Googie.
  • Wait are those Parasite-hatchlings or what? Ick.
  • "They resemble nothing less than the mandrillus sphinx monkey of the family cercopithecidae..."
  • Billy loses his Marbles.
  • Batman and Gordon, helpless.
  • Why Dick talks so much.
  • Page two of Green Lantern. Whoa, Blackest Night is going to be very unpleasant, and in the best possible way.
  • "I knew Sapphire's fondness for giant clams would get her into trouble."
  • Anticipation may not be good for him, but I'm sure enjoying it!
  • The Kamandi footer.
  • A ball gown made of Kevlar. Heh.
  • "Cretinous, mouth-breathing, leg breaker." Now that is how the Penguin should sound.
  • The Metal Men's fashion sense.
  • Best. Costume origin. Ever.
  • I bet the Sergeant's mother's maiden name was Jordan.
  • Simon's selchamorphic dirigible.
  • Just like the last time you destroyed the school. Heh.
  • Deadman noir.
  • Heh. We do all remember what the essential message of "Easter" is, don't we?


  1. So what is the severe change in Black Canary's origin? Have they finally made her the Golden-Age Black Canary's granddaughter?

    In 2009 it's just as unfeasible that the current Black Canary is the original Black Canary's daughter, as it was in 1983 that she actually was the original Black Canary.

  2. So...MUCH to be happy about. This may have been something of a small week, at least for me, but Wednesday comics had enough goodies to thrill me to the marrow.

    And Blackest Night is going to be amazing.

  3. One thing that made me unhappy was being compared to Sonar...

  4. Zombie Ch'p? I guess it had to happen.

  5. Anyone willing to spoil the change to Canary's origin, since I've sworn off the BC/GA book?

  6. I think she was bitten by a radioactive canary...or something.

  7. I'd like to the best costume origin, please!

  8. Can I mention how much I like that both Batman books are talking about how difficult it is for Dick to switch to a costume with a cape and how its effecting his fighting style. Just being a realism geek I guess.

  9. Can I mention how much I like that both Batman books are talking about how difficult it is for Dick to switch to a costume with a cape and how its effecting his fighting style. Just being a realism geek I guess.

    Not having read it, I guess I shouldn't comment. But Dick started out fighting bad guys, and thus developed his fighting style, in a costume with a cape (and scaly bikini briefs and leprechaun shoes, but we won't go there), so he should know how to do it.

  10. The best costume origin ever to which I am referring is that of Black Hand's costume.

  11. Not having read it, I guess I shouldn't comment. But Dick started out fighting bad guys, and thus developed his fighting style, in a costume with a cape (and scaly bikini briefs and leprechaun shoes, but we won't go there), so he should know how to do it.

    Dick actually addresses this himself. Alfred says: "You used to wear a cape, sir."

    Dick replies: "Yeah, but it was made of nylon and ended at my butt! This is like wearing a ball gown made of kevlar!"

  12. This is like wearing a ball gown made of kevlar!

    The Robin Horror Picture Show....

  13. Okay, this is embarrassing, but I've finished almost all of my comics for this week, and I STILL need help with all these:

    "The severe change in Black Canary's origin. I approve."
    "Coast City Googie."
    "Wait are those Parasite-hatchlings or what? Ick."
    "Billy loses his Marbles."
    "Anticipation may not be good for him, but I'm sure enjoying it!"
    "I bet the Sergeant's mother's maiden name was Jordan."
    "Simon's selchamorphic dirigible."
    "Heh. We do all remember what the essential message of "Easter" is, don't we?"

    Unless most of them are in House of Mystery...

    And to contribute something instead of just asking for answers, Milagro's toys made me very happy.

  14. "Billy loses his Marbles" - that'd be William Hand in "Green Lantern".

    "The severe change in Black Canary's origin" - I'm not sure exactly how it has changed, presumably the fact that the manifestation of her canary cry is what got the ball rolling in terms of superheroing. Had she never developed a superhuman ability, she probably never would have known her mom was the original Black Canary and would have lived a normal life.

    And the essential message of Easter is, Christ arose and walked out of his tomb, didn't see his shadow, and so we don't get six more weeks of winter.

  15. I thought the essential message of Easter was that kids will listen to anything if you bribe them with enough candy.

    And I still say it'd make a lot more sense if the current Black Canary were now the original's granddaughter. For her to be the daughter of the JSA's Black Canary, either she's in her fifties, or a young couple who got married in the early 1950s waited 25-30 years to start a family. Neither is very plausible.

  16. Somewhere on the Internet, someone had the best idea ever to explain the JSA's longevity (and thus resolve little problems like Black Canary's age). At some point in the early 1940s, Johnny Thunder (back before he even knew there was a genie following him around) happened to say, "Say, you guys are the best -- let's keep fighting bad guys until we've beaten them all!" No chronoton radiation or space-inverted tachyons required, just an obedient thunderbolt whose long-forgotten spell keeps the Golden Age heroes from getting too old to fight.

  17. I think that was me who said that, on this very blog!

  18. In fact I know it was; but I've been trying to find the old post and I haven't been able to. Can anyone help me out?

  19. Oh! Well, I'm glad I didn't try to make like it was an original thought of my own. It's a splendiferous idea and I like to hope some writer or other reads this blog and runs with it.

  20. Found the original post! And thanks for the compliment, Anony!

  21. steve mitchell7/16/2009 2:49 PM

    Anti-chronal radiation.

    Roy Thomas said it.

    I believe it.

    That settles it.

  22. Nerdier Than Thou7/27/2009 10:39 PM

    "This is like wearing a ball gown made of kevlar!"

    Didn't Jimmy Olsen have one of those in this trunk full of disguises? Or was that Blockade Boy?

    "For her to be the daughter of the JSA's Black Canary, ... Neither is very plausible."

    But it all gets more plausible when you remember how she got dunked in a Lazarus Pit so ... wait, maybe "more plausible" isn't quite the right phrase, here. Oh never mind.

    "Anti-chronal radiation.
    Roy Thomas said it.
    I believe it.
    That settles it."

    Roy didn't say it applied to the Black Canary, who wasn't present at the June 1941 splody defeat of Ian Karkull at the hands of Dr Fate and The Spectre. So there!

  23. Nerdier Interloper7/27/2009 11:05 PM

    "I think that was me who said that, on this very blog!"

    oo! ooo! It WAS him!
    Let the record show that I was the first to obsequiously sing the praises of this splendid idea!
    "# posted by Accursed Interloper : 10/23/2008 1:07 AM "
