Thursday, March 12, 2009

I didn't think it was possible

... to lose respect for Wizard.

But when I read their feature article on the Flash, wherein they describe Bart Allen as Barry Allen's nephew...

I did.

I am sure the man who wrote the article and the editors are perfectly nice people. But, I mean, really.

I'm sure Wizard would get the Summers Family Tree perfect...


  1. I didn't think it was possible
    ... to lose respect for Wizard.

    That... Was sarcasm, right?

  2. And they just regained all that credibility by finally acknowledging that Wolverine is the greatest comic character of all time!

  3. "And they just regained all that credibility by finally acknowledging that Wolverine is the greatest comic character of all time!"

    According to. . .the staff at Wizard? Some other oracular source? A broad-based poll of comics fans?

  4. According to. . .the staff at Wizard? Some other oracular source? A broad-based poll of comics fans?

    If my friend who used to work at Wizard is any guide, they have one of those giant UNIVAC style computers (the sort you see in 1950's newsreels) somewhere underneath their headquarters.

    They simply feed the question "Who is the greatest comic character" into the computer, which is translates to a numerically value -- such as "green" -- which is then interpreted by a trained monkey throwing feces at a dartboard.

  5. I can honestly say I've never positively connected the words "Wizard" and "respect" in a single thought or comment.

    It's a fan magazine in the lowest sense of the word.... always making definitive lists based on dubious sources.

    It's a shameful testament to this hobby that Wizard can even stay in business.

  6. I still can't figure out how Wizard could come up with an article that said "Iron Man" was better than "The Dark Knight".

    I did enjoy IM and I know there's no accounting for taste, but really... IM > TDK?

  7. So they confused Bart with Wally, just like DC did after Infinite Crisis?

  8. This is the same magazine that every month puts Frank Miller on its top ten best writers list when he hasn't put anything out in over a year...

  9. "That... Was sarcasm, right?"

    No, it wasn't.

    It was ambiguity.

  10. No, it wasn't.

    It was ambiguity.

    Ah, now I see. All is clear... If somewhat ambiguous.

  11. It wasn't so long ago that this mishap would have launched DC into an extended crossover storyline that explains why the wrong relationship is also correct.

    Or maybe Mark Waid will be signing on to Wizard. Who knows?

  12. But if Wizard says it, it has to be true. Right?
