Friday, September 05, 2008


Vibe had NO fan page on Facebook?!?!?


Well, I fixed that: Vibe's Facebook page.

Gerry Conway, Vibe's creator, sent me a message yesterday: "Vibe has fans???"

YES, Gerry Conway, Vibe has fans. He lives, like Santa, in the hearts of small children everywhere. Every time a Latin child does his first pop and lock, Vibe is there. Whenever an inner city youth thinks, "I want to leave this gang-life behind and put my banana-colored parachute pants in the service of justice," Vibe lives again.

His joy in living, his Golden Age devil may care attitude, his devotion to heroics; Vibe was-- IS --an inspiration to us all.

I wasn't able to get Seth Johnson (Hi, Seth!) to make a Vibe heroclix figure (which is why I have to have mine custom-made... both of them), but I will NOT let this unique hero be forgotten.

Please befriend Vibe, as Vibe befriended the world.


  1. Hey. You know they are making a Vibe figure in the JLU line for Target right?

  2. That...that was SO inspirational!


  3. Done.

    But I still contend that Vibe is potentially alive. Theoretically, his body is still in a stasis tube deep in the recesses of the Secret Sanctuary, preserved for all these years. And he was only declared "dead" for no more than a half hour or so, and on the diagnosis of only J'onn.

    Not that anyone needs to buy that theory.

    -Citizen Scribbler

  4. Just wondering... how does everybody out there pronounce the name "Vibe?" I was always of the opinion that our hero, true to his heritage, would answer to "Vee-bay." Anyone else share that delusion?

  5. "his body is still in a stasis tube deep in the recesses of the Secret Sanctuary, preserved for all these years."

    You know...
    there's never been any evidence that that's not the case. Although he did have a large family to whom you'd think the body would be returned.

    I anticipate seeing Vibe-- or at least his corpse -- in action again in the Black Lantern Corps.

  6. I'm joining, if for nothing else, to get a Vibe HeroClix made somewhere down the line.

  7. I'm joining, if for nothing else, to get a Vibe HeroClix made somewhere down the line.

    As Scipio's personal clix customizer, I'm happy to oblige!

  8. Next, we should get a collection going to buy Gypsy a pair of shoes.

    But we might have to change her name first: Romenesque anyone?

  9. I love Vibe, but I ain't joining no crazy-ass Facebook. I'll say a decade of the Rosary for him instead.
