Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Things That Made Me Happy...

in my comics this week.

  • "If it's one thing I've learned on this job, it's that you should never trust evil gorillas." I don't care what you say; I like Tom Tresser. He's not just a major hottie, he's a funny one, too.
  • Sleep-flying.
  • Who would have thought that Judd Winick and Hal Jordan would be two bad tastes that taste very very funny together?
  • Ray Palmer, doing what he does best.
  • I want a Duel Eknham/Two-Face team-up. NOW. And, for the former, a Heroclix figure (a dual, of course).
  • Okay, tell us who that Aquaman baddie was who doesn't have a webpage. Because we can fix that in a day.
  • The Arrow Family's unorthodox interrogation techniques.
  • The guy with the orange in his crotch in Comic Book Comics. "Citro! He's not just for breakfast anymore!"
  • Swamp Thing Say Relax...?
  • Superman versus the Toyman.
  • Adam Strange's masterful understatement, "I know how you feel."
  • Okay, the open, blooded hand of Wonder Woman was one of the most powerful images I have seen in a very long time.
  • The Return of Giant Turtle Man Olsen.
  • Actually, "bastards" and "asses" do not rhyme.
  • "Faceless drones smell like catnip to me!" Ah, the Rolling Wit of Pantha!
  • The original Blue Beetle, armed with a plunger, shouting "It's Guiliani time!"
  • Beating Donny Troy senseless using Kyle Rayner as a club is one of comic's most delightful and presumably intentional instances of symbolism.
  • The question, "You don't have a girlfriend, do you?", wasn't really funny. But the answer sure was!
  • Well, I know one Green Lantern who's not a member of PETA.
  • Etta Candy single-handed stands down an unbeatable race of near-omnipotent worldkillers. Because she's Etta Candy, and she can.
  • One Thanagarian's definition of happiness.
  • Pantha got SHOT?! Editorial! Who messed up the opportunity to decapitate her a second time?!


  1. This was a great week!

    My only favorite moment you didn't mention:

    Gardner's Law: When all else fails, break stuff.

    Glad when he's in a pinch Ray Palmer thinks of Guy Gardner.

    Oh, and where was there a reference to a Green Lantern hurting an animal? I didn't see anything in GLC.

  2. I have to say I am looking forward to seeing...Beating Donny Troy senseless using Kyle Rayner as a club is one of comic's most delightful and presumably intentional instances of symbolism.

    And the Etta Candy comment had me in stitches...

  3. The original Blue Beetle, armed with a plunger, shouting "It's Guiliani time!"


  4. Once again Adam Strange proves how awesome he is, this time in just a single page!

  5. "where was there a reference to a Green Lantern hurting an animal? I didn't see anything in GLC."

    Including the scene where the GL bursts out of a shark's body...?


    In Comic Book Comics #1.

  6. Including the scene where the GL bursts out of a shark's body...?

    Somehow I don't think even PETA would have a problem with that. Don't they mainly concern themselves with cute, cuddly animals?

  7. This was an oddly humorous week, wasn't it? I never thought I would say this about Winick, but he did a hilarious Hal. AND I enjoyed all of the Arrow's "unique" interrogation techniques. The League should take note of this.

    The sleep-flying was priceless. Oh Guy. I also enjoyed the use of Kyle as a club. Not to mention the newest Green Lantern. Her oath was excellent.

  8. Wild Dog gets the Ace of the week award from me. Everything about him had me in stitches. He has no concept of gun safety, he thinks a gun will work against The Man Of Steel, and I'm not entirely sure he was under Max's control when he blew away Pantha. But I also agree that it was a waste to not decapitate her.

    I think its great that, in the DCU, a "hero" who uses guns is a clear object of humor, not respect. We don't say- "Oh, wow! Look at those cool guns, he must be serious". We say- "Good luck fighting Solomon Grundy with those. Let me know how that works out for ya."

    -Citizen Scribbler

  9. Free respect and admiration for whoever tells me where Adam Strange showed up this week, so I can nab that issue when I get the rest of my comics!

  10. Riddering: Green Lantern Corps #23.

  11. I haven't been sure why I was buying Green Arrow/ Black Canary until this week; it really hasn't been any good. Seems to me that this issue was about a fivefold jump in entertainment value.

  12. The Donna/Kylie bit and Ray Palmer doing the Guy thing were the only bright spots in Countdown, which has become so pathetic after the whole "Great Disaster" thing that it's not even funny any longer. I mean, this is three issues to the end of a 52-issue series? That is the cliffhanger? Several people should be very ashamed of this.
