Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Things That Made Me Happy...

  • It turns out I'm a Skrull!
  • Justice League Unlimited is the most sophisticated and moving examination of complex morality you will read in a comic book this week.
  • Mr. Fantastic should have kept his eye on his colleagues instead of on ... well, whatever it wound up hanging off of... .
  • Don't you just hate it when monsters from your bloodstream eat your hot to trot new neighbor...?
  • Just the very idea of Pied Piper playing "Macho Man" on a nose flute... .
  • LOL, Zatanna's a giant prop!
  • Bruce Wayne's very surprising and poorly timed reunion with Peyton Riley.
  • Somebody really should have thought twice before putting this dialog in Countdown: "Ohmygosh, is this nightmare ever going to end?" "Gods, I sure hope so." Oh, the comic book irony!
  • This is one time where the Dum Dum was a bullet, I guess.
  • The good news for the train robbers? There are only six people in the entire town. The bad news? One of them's Jonah Hex, who left me -- and one of his assailants -- speechless this month.
  • "Apparently, Batman has a soft spot for children."
  • Tomorrow's tour of the Baxter Building is canceled.
  • Hawkgirl being the one to spot the getaway truck.
  • Whoa; the SW6 Batch is in the Savage Lands!
  • Isn't it amazing how Kyle's hair stays that way no matter how many universes he escapes from?
  • I don't think I've ever seen anyone get his foot stuck is the bloated corpse of a horse before. I mean, not in a comic book.
  • So, what do you think Darkseid the Couch Potato was watching on the television before Mary showed up? American Idol? No; Top Chef, I bet.
  • An old style symbolic splash page opener for Jonah Hex, followed by a two-page silent synopsis of his entire life; masterful.
  • Wait; the Skrulls have ships that look like their faces? That's hilarious!
  • Mirror Master versus Fifi.
  • It ate Panda; yay!


  1. Oh my, oh my, it was good this week.

    Supergirl's plan for RM.

    What Superman has.

    "He loves you."

    Spider-Man being a Super Hero

    Nightwing (the whole thing)

    "Darkseid dares all."

    Ohhhhhhhh just so awesome!

  2. So, what do you think Darkseid the Couch Potato was watching on the television before Mary showed up? American Idol? No; Top Chef, I bet.

    The Apprentice is my guess. Didn't he pretty much invent that concept, with DeSaad, Virman Vundabarr, Granny Goodness, and the rest of his "lieutenants"?

  3. He'd been marathoning Mary's Gilmore Girls DVDs.

    And SW6 is the first thing that popped into my head, too!

  4. Zoidberg in Action Comics!

  5. I second the high-five on SW6. Beat me to it...

  6. Things That Made Me Happy...

    At least 5 marvel references???

    This is very disturbing scipio...

  7. Well, Jonah Hex was excellent, but I have to say that the Atom has lost all of its joie de vivre pretty darned fast.

    Is it just me, or does the Reach's plan for conquering Earth seem just a bit more...elegant than the Skrull's?

  8. So who was Peyton Riley, exactly?

    Oh, wait, she was the Paris Hilton-analogue heiress type, right?

    I loved that Darkseid reveal, which called to mind his classic Ambush Bug appearances!

  9. No, that girl was dating Bruce. I don't think we've actually see Peyton Riley ourselves before...

  10. There *was* a girl dating one of Bruces's old friends who was murdered in one of Dini's early issues (the Riddler reform issue, IIRC). Could Peyton be her?

  11. When I read that line: "Ohmygosh, is this nightmare ever going to end?" My first thought was, "They know exactly what they are doing". Someone was having a Rocky Horror Show Moment.

  12. Top Chef? Feh.

    Darkseid watched Iron Chef.

  13. "It is as I suspect: Balsamic vinegar is an element of the anti-life equation."

  14. Hey, Scip. Do you mind if I link to my essay on the Freedom Fighter?

    The Freedom Fighters and how they grew

    I don't write comic book essays that often anymore, and I thought this essay might provide some amusement for you and your associates.


  15. I would kill for a jar of the hair gel Kyle Rayner must use to keep his hair like that. I suspecct it's the same gel that The Doctor (David Tennant) uses.

    Also, "he loves you" loses all it's menace when you sing it. He loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah...

  16. Supergirl getting punched in the nose; I could just feel the writer's temptation to have the puncher break the fourth wall, look at the reader, and say, "haven't you been wanting to do that for two years now?"

    John Byrne, whose work hasn't entertained me in years, entertained me with his pencils of Lorne.

    Finding out where Xander went after the wedding.

    The suggestion that young Clark Kent had some colorful clothes that he only wore in the 30th century.

  17. SIX. SIX Marvel references.

    1. It turns out I'm a Skrull!
    2. Mr. Fantastic should have kept his eye on his colleagues
    3. This is one time where the Dum Dum was a bullet, I guess.
    4. Tomorrow's tour of the Baxter Building is canceled.
    5. Whoa; the SW6 Batch is in the Savage Lands!
    6. Wait; the Skrulls have ships that look like their faces? That's hilarious!

    6! Out of 21! It's almost 25% Marvel! In a "Things that made Scip happy" post! I may faint...

    P.S. What the heck is all this Panda stuff about?

  18. "Darkseid dares all", eh?

    See Darkseid dare it all! It's

    Gods Gone Wild!

  19. Panda?

    It's an All-New Atom thing. Panda is Atom's Fat Funny Friend.

    But he's not funny. Certainly not now that he's dead.

    My only regret is that the monster ate all of him, because I could have made much hay out of...

    the Rolling Head of Panda.

  20. Were you referenced as an in-joke in Secret Invasion Scip?

  21. I wonder if you need to get your couch fumigated after Darkseid sits on it. I'm guessing that since he seems to be made of stone and is always wearing the same mu-mu, he probably stinks like lichen and Axe body spray.

  22. "Were you referenced as an in-joke in Secret Invasion Scip?"

    No, why? Is that the only possible explanation for why I'm pimping it, LOL?

  23. OK, that was totally Skrully.

    Scip loves you.

  24. Darkseid does bear a suspicious resemblance to Tom Colicchio.
