Thursday, February 28, 2008

Things That Made Me Happy...

in my comics this week.

  • Jaime Reyes, naked in a holding cell. Sigh!
  • Of all the times Desaad's gotten killed, this was my favorite.
  • The New Clock King!
  • Well, at least when Geoff Johns writes Hercules out of character, it's amusing!
  • Jaime Reyes, naked and bleeding, escaping an alien spaceship while making a Treasure of the Sierra Madre joke.
  • Well, I have no idea what Morrison's jibbering about in Batman, but he gets points for referencing both Batman's hallucination in Robin Dies At Dawn and the old story where Commissioner Gordon got demoted to beat cop.
  • Ray Palmer in costume. I bet you forgot that he's always wearing it and it only becomes visible when he shrinks. PU!
  • The brick-like subtlety which with LIGHTNING and Jakeem THUNDER are being thrown together. Oooo, maybe there's a storm a-comin'!
  • Jaime Reyes, wearing Blue Beetle goggles.
  • The guy wearing Wonder Girl's panties on his head.
  • Do yourself a favor and buy Dynamite 1. Very Watchmen-esque.
  • Wildcat's memories of "the Golden Age" in JSA Classified.
  • Traci Thirteen's amusing and dramatic cavalry entrance.
  • Many-headed headless creature thingie in Freedom Fighters; very Alan Moore.
  • Attack of the Legion of Substitute Heroes, via school bus!!!!
  • Hey; they just blew up Apokolips, didn't they? Maybe I'll never have to type that stupid name again...!
  • Lightning Lad's sleepwear. Rowr!
  • Jaime Reyes's dad shooting aliens with an auto-rifle.
  • Black Condor being a pain in the ass. It's a concept that really works for me.
  • The prissiness of Element Lad. Thank you, Mr. Shooter!
  • Earth-Man is a great villain. He's the new Composite Superman!
  • Jaime Reyes saying "those words", which I thought no one would ever hear again; where is this heading...?!
  • Happy Terrill's makeover, via comic book Red Bull!
  • Oh, my god, Black Lighting really does have a wife! For a while, I thought he was producing those children from his forehead, fully grown and armored.
  • Jaime Reyes's priorities: "Pants. Then spaceship. In that order."
  • Is it my imagination or are Piper's last ramblings the lyrics of a Dazzler song?
  • Prank phone calls to Batman.
  • The Ted Kord reference on the cover of Blue Beetle.

Really; why aren't you reading Blue Beetle? From now, I will only speak to people who are reading Blue Beetle...


  1. Through the power of time travel I have been reading Blue Beetle since before I was born.

    It's that good.

  2. I love Blue Beetle. I didn't recognize the Words, though..

  3. The song Piper was playing was Queen's "The Show Must Go On".

    And I love how half the list is from Blue Beetle this week -- awesome stuff.

  4. Those are the words the original Blue Beetle used to activate the power of the scarab...

  5. From now, I will only speak to people who are reading Blue Beetle...

    Been nice knowing you...

  6. Amazing how Discworld Genetics are at work in the pages of JSA. Black Lightning's daughter has inherited a version of his powers that he gained from a device years after she was conceived and during a lengthy period of time when he wasn't a part of her life. Ah, to be Geoff Johns and only worry about fixing other people's continuity gaffes...

  7. Blue Beetle was so good that I almost swooned. I DO hope that Brenda is ok.

    I even teared up a little at Piper's last hurrah, and yes, the prank phone calls to Batman were a hoot. Not a bad week at all.

  8. Not to burst your bubble, Scip', but the Ray Palmer Atom's been able to manifest his costume at full size ever since the late 1980s Power of the Atom series.

  9. Baal, I think current DC "science" holds that Black Lightning always had the metagene; exposure to said device merely activated it. So he passed on the gene to his kids, and some phenomenon, perhaps exposure to his powers or the Dominators' metagene bomb in "Invasion", activated them.

    This still doesn't explain why no previous writer ever mentioned he had kids.

  10. Black Lightning's daughter has inherited a version of his powers that he gained from a device years after she was conceived and during a lengthy period of time when he wasn't a part of her life.

    The same can be said of the junior Icicle. I always thought that, as a toddler, he wandered into his dad's lab and spilled something on himself, resulting in his powers (and becoming a father myself only reinforced this belief). To find out that he was born with the power stretches credibility.

  11. "Lightning Lad's sleepwear. Rowr!"

    In the future there shall be...


  12. What David enjoyed this week

    The same as scipo with one major addition...

    Ralph and sue!Ralph and sue!Ralph and sue!Ralph and sue!Ralph and sue!Ralph and sue!Ralph and sue!Ralph and sue!Ralph and sue!Ralph and sue!

    ok so it came out last week but i got two lots of comics this week

  13. Hey, I read Blue Beetle. I love Blue Beetle. I wish more people read it because they would love it too.

    Great list.

  14. Blue Beetle was absolutely fantabulous.

  15. Beetle is pretty much the most perfect superhero comic on the market currently. It makes me so happy!

    Also, Jaime in Ted-style goggles was unsettlingly attractive, yes.

  16. I'm glad to hear that someone else really loved Perez's depiction of Golden Age Wildcat--the art in this week's JSA Classified was excellent. The story didn't suck either . . .

  17. Blue Beetle is awesomeness personified.

    As far as kids having their powers, what about Wildcat's kid just happening to mutate into a wildcat. How lame is that?

  18. I think by "dynamite 1", you mean "Project Superpowers #1", published by Dynamite, and yes, it's very good. The 0 issue came out a week or three back, and It really impressed me. The marvel series "The Twelve" is similar, but i'm not feeling it just yet with that one.

    Blue Beetle is just about perfect. We've seen "kid takes over an established superhero legacy" before with both Green Lantern and Firestorm. Blue Beetle feels like it's being done right. The other two examples seemed forced to me, as if the power set was all that would be required to be a hero. Jaime Reyes is a hero with or without abilities, and the creators have shown us why. Jaime's parents, his friends, even his sister have demonstrated where Jaimies heroism comes from.

    I'm really enjoying the ride.

    Thank you sir, for an always intersting blog.

  19. Also Scipio... You missed the best part about Action Comics.

    We finally find out how Infectious Lass got to Dr. Thirteen and his crew!

    It all makes sense now!

  20. Yes, that was a nice touch, and subtly done, too.

  21. I read Blue Beetle - best series I've ever read. Period. I'm ready to start forcing it into the hands of other transit passengers to convert more readers. If fringe candidate supporters can get away with it, surely some quality work will be accepted, as well.

  22. "College? I guess so." Could the Reyes family be anymore awesome?

    Speak'a family, anyone else tear up when Tia Amparo showed up?

    Great week for comic lovers.

  23. As far as kids having their powers, what about Wildcat's kid just happening to mutate into a wildcat. How lame is that?

    Well, that one can actually be explained, albeit in a supremely comic-booky way. Wasn't it stated a few years ago that Ted Grant has "nine lives" as the result of a magic spell put on him sometime in the 40s? Blame it on that. It's magic; you don't have to explain it.

  24. ...from his forehead, fully grown and armored.

    In case no one has mentioned it lately, I really appreciate your mythology references.

    Really; why aren't you reading Blue Beetle? From now, I will only speak to people who are reading Blue Beetle...

    I believe I have yet to buy an issue of the new Blue Beetle, but I see that they have been collected in a few volumes. So rather than risk excommunication, I'm considering trying it. Did the supposed "wonderful"-ness of the book start with issue no. 1 or is this a more recent phenomenon?

  25. The wonderfulness of the new Blue Beetle started with the first words of the first issue and grew more wonderful with each issue.

  26. No cheers from Scipio for Hal Jordan getting rabbit-punched by Robin?

  27. Isn't Blue Beetle going to be written by someone else soon?


  28. not just someone else but Will "amazon bee weapon" Pfeifer


    Thats why i'm soaking in Jaimes awesomeness now

  29. Scipio "He's the new Composite Superman!"

    Only with a better costume.

    Baal "Black Lightning's daughter has inherited a version of his powers that he gained from a device years after she was conceived and during a lengthy period of time when he wasn't a part of her life."

    I'm blaming The Wizard for that, too, same as Black Canary Junior, Wildcat Junior, and Icicle Junior. Unless that theory's been debunked in some story I haven't read. Wiz is too supervillain old school to let go of a really really bad idea.

    ""Project Superpowers #1", published by Dynamite, and yes, it's very good."

    Their Lone Ranger is excellent also! Jonah Hex, bah!
