Saturday, January 05, 2008

Things That Made Me Happy....

... in my comics this week.

  • Countdown to Final Crisis #17, or, as I like to call it, "The All-Jean Loring Issue". Crazy whacked out Eclipso-evil Jean Loring alongside Earth-51 pre-psychotic wasp-waisted Jean Loring. And a flamethrower, of sorts. Jean -- either one -- gets more than she bargained for!
  • Speaking of the Atom, if you get invited to a barbecue in Ivytown, don't go.
  • Ra's keeps his receipts? That's hilarious.
  • When you're the Joker, it only takes you one panel to hijack a space shuttle.
  • I just love that all the very worst people in comics can be found in one place: Jonah Hex.
  • The Return of Aqualad the Pathetic Wuss! Shrieking like a little girl. YAY!!!!!!
  • The Crimson Avenger versus Harley Quinn. Priceless.
  • The Globe. Thank you, Mr. Dini. Now I demand he return, next issue, just like in the Golden Age. And I want him to team up with the Clock and fight Robin. Sincerely, Scipio G., Washington DC. P.S. Please bring back Vibe!
  • Note the background color changes in Teen Titans Year One between each segment of the story. Nicely done.
  • Mary Marvel makes a poor choice of vacation spots.
  • Legion 37. More from me on this later. Much more.
  • Aquaman on a seahorse. That never gets old.
  • Panda gets slapped. That's always funny!
  • Speaking of which... ouch! Maybe Robin can go live with Joey Jeremiah?
  • "I will not stand for it." Oh, black humor thy name is Jonah Hex.
  • Okay, I've never been a fan of Mongul, with his over-obvious "yellow hun invader" schtick. But darned if the DOMINATION house ad isn't eye-catching!
  • Wally West, the original Impulse.
  • "That was pointless and annoying" was pretty funny; plus, it took lots of guts to put that line in an issue of Countdown!
  • I adore the fact that Grant Morrison took, what, eight issues building the tedious Ra's Al Ghul back into a Big Bad, and Dini had Batman take him out in about eight pages and with fantastic irony.
  • Chinese arithmetic humor. Gets me every time.
  • Most original, and possibly best, visual representation of aquatic telepathy ever.
  • The Joker versus Zatanna. Yes, it's that easy.
  • Leave it to Palmiotti and Gray to make a charmingly unique addition to the "Starman" legacy!
  • Teen Titans Year One is not at all what I expected; it's much better. Eat your heart out, Frank Miller!
  • Ryan Choi in the stocks. Sigh. Really, sometimes it's as if they want us to write fanfic.
  • Please tell me I'm going to get to see Aquaman pimp-slap Aqualad next month. PLEASE.


  1. What made me happy this week

    by David page

    Jean Loring dying twice (Though I did feel bad for the e-51 one)

    Zombie gordon: Proving that Zombies can be funny and creepy at the same time

    Herr superman (though I thought my idea for him being called Das Ubermensche was better)

    Jean (I killed Sue) Loring dying: So good I mentioned it twice.

    The hint that the monitors are about to get whats coming to them

  2. Yeah, once one of the Monitors goes, well, it doesn't look too good for the rest, does it?

  3. The Absorbascon has made me a complete Jean Loring Zombie, and I was reading Countdown yesterday and I could think about was "what is Scipio thinking about this, can't wait to read his comments!".
    Yoou spoiled me, man...( and I'm loving it. I want the Complete Jean Loring Archives in Absolute edition )

  4. We need a series for her, kind of like Station KLOR, all-Jean Loring, all the time.

  5. kind of like Station KLOR, all-Jean Loring, all the time.

    One Bill O'Reilly is more than enough, thanks.

  6. "Das Ubermensche"

    That translates to "the genderless overmanly". I'm not sure he'd go for that ...

  7. Legion 37?

  8. The underwater telepathy being represented as Morse Code was utterly fantastic, I agree.

    I cheered when Ra's got put away with such style by Bats. I love Paul Dini when he writes like this.

  9. "Legion 37"

    Oops, sorry, I didn't realize that was the issue number (I thought you were talking about a Legion from Earth 37, or something). How stupid of me.

  10. You actually blame Morrison for the
    Ras returns storyline? Really?

  11. Teen Titans: Year One was definitely one of the most charming books I've ever read. I'd be tempted to call it sweet, were it not for Batman throwing down the bitch slap on his youthful ward.

    Favorite Moment: Wonder Girl literally squealing at the sight of a boy.

  12. "You actually blame Morrison for the
    Ras returns storyline?"

    I'm sorry I thought he wrote that; perhaps I am confused... .

  13. "the genderless overmanly"

    I think I rented that movie once...

  14. That translates to "the genderless overmanly". I'm not sure he'd go for that ...

    You sure I thought it meant the superior man...guess that shows how much my german sucks

  15. I'm being overpicky about the German. But a couple points:

    - "Das" means "neutral gender". "Der" is masculine.

    - The "e" at the end makes it sound almost like you're trying to turn "Ubermensch" (a perfectly fine word in its own right) into an adjective to describe someone, sort of like a nickname kings would take on ("The Bald", "The Short", etc).

    "Der Ubermensch" would do just fine, and in fact that's kind of what Siegel and Schuster had in mind with Superman (the last survivor of a world where man had evolved to his perfect condition -- such powers as Kal-L originally had were simply a matter of good breeding, not yellow solar energy).


    The Anal Retentive

  16. So what did the Joker do to Zatanna? Spritz her with laughing gas, so she couldn't recite her spells?

  17. You know, it's kind of scary when the real answer is sillier than my ideas.

  18. "I'm sorry I thought he wrote that; perhaps I am confused... ."

    From what I could tell, it was an-editorially mandated crossover that went through every bat-related title (Detective, Batman, Robin, Nightwing), with the regular writers on those each tasked with chapters. Morrison may have been lumbered with more chapters being imposed on his title (I didn't count; it could have been equal, or he could have just been burdened with one issue more than the others), but I certainly wouldn't have characterized it as his fiasco that Dini needed to deflate (though I did think it was something of a fiasco, and I liked the way Dini deflated it).

  19. Adhesive bubble gum.

    All right, I have to ask. How did the Joker get Zatanna to chew the gum?

  20. "Want some? It's tnimreppep!"

    No, not really. I'm just guessing.

  21. Zee is just naturally greedy (heck you saw what she was like in earth 51!!)

  22. I enjoy this feature of yours, but always find myself wishing I knew which comics to look for. What's the Palmiotti/Gray contribution to the Starman legacy?
