Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Takes One...


  1. Green Arrow: phony-ass jerkwad! I love it!

  2. Geez... talk about kicking a man while he's down!

  3. You know, it's a shame. Despite the ridiculous speech patterns given him by Gardner Fox, it was quite evident during the early days of Justice League Of America that Snapper was competent and capable, and frequently an asset to the Justice League. Definitely not an idiot until later writers who despised the character decided to turn him into an imbecile rather than just simply not use him. It's happened again and again to characters like Jason Todd, the Legion of Substitute Heroes, etc., and it's just silly.

    Yes, I am a Snapper Carr fan, dammit. There's nothing wrong with the man that some good writing couldn't fix.

  4. Yeah. I think that Hourman series from a few years back was probably the best treatment of Snapper in more recent times.

    As I recall, the series also made it clear that pretty much everyone on the League liked him... at least before that little incident with the Joker.

  5. I kind of like the direction the Legion of Subsitute heroes have gone. They were hokey before. Now they are a little more interesting. But then again I always thought Snapper Carr was a Tool, even under Gardner Fox.
    But of course not all of us want to see the characters stay the same forever and stagnate....

  6. You're right.

    His is the DC Comics of the Every-Tool from Marvel: Rick Jones.

    Or at least till Countdown with Olsen...

  7. They are both way high on whatever Ollie could score from Speedy.

    GL is undressing Wonder Woman with his eyes. She knows it too because he moves his mouth when he thinks.

    -- Lauren

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