Sunday, September 30, 2007

Monkey Business

The Washington Post has a lovely little article on the Big Monkey Comics Women's Group today, courtesy of our friend, Jen Girdish. If I had my way, every comic book store would have a women's group. Of course, if I had my way, every comic book store would be a Big Monkey... !

The Women's Group, by the way, meets this Wednesday night at Big Monkey. Through absolutely no coincidence at all, that is also the Biago chocolate tasting at Big Monkey, with free samples offered and explained by our friends at our local chocolate shoppe, Biago Chocolate. Yes, folks; dark chocolate, shiny comics, and bright fans of both!

Come on in Wednesday night and enjoy a bar or two!

If you can't wait until Wednesday to visit us, you're in luck. Tomorrow evening Big Monkey is hosting the Monthly Monday Mixer for Washington's Mid-City Business Association. If you'd like you can show up, schmooze with all the business owners in Mid-City, and tell them how fabulous we are. it will be catered by our wonderful friends from Rice. You'll even be able to meet Lance the Blogger there in person!

Last Saturday, there were 13 participants in the second leg of our "Starro Attacks!" Heroclix tournament series. And that's without counting Ben "Whiten THIS!" Hatton, Devon "I'm not turtling, I'm holding my forces in reserve" Sanders, and Tom "Tell Santa what you'd like for Clixmas" Price.

The tournament series has five legs (duh... it's a starfish, people!), with participation prizes for each contestant in each leg. On the first week, the prize was a Starro-Slave Aquaman (with glorious special powers like "King of the Sea"); last week it was the Starro-Slave Flash (the first clix of Barry Allen!).

Join us this coming Saturday (either to play or just kibbitz) at 1PM, where the participation prize will be the awesome Green Arrow with a Starrophyte Covering His Stupid Face! Rumor has it the entire World Association of Green Arrow Fans may show up to participate, which would break our attendance records if both of them decide to come!


  1. Does Starro GA have an arrow through his neck? If not, I'm adding one.

  2. Not yet.

    But my aim is improving.

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