Saturday, March 31, 2007

Heroclix Theme Team: Crying for Canary

Crying for Canary (296 pt)

Rookie Ray (60 pt)
+ Damage Shield (10 pt)

Veteran Green Arrow (50 pt)

Veteran Ra's Al Ghul (108 pt)
+ Lazarus Pit (10 pt)

Veteran Dr. Mid-Nite (58 pt)

If you want a 400 point version of this team, just subtract either of the Feat Cards and add the Golden Age Starman Unique (106 pt).

If you've read the right comics, you'll know what the theme is...


  1. The theme is guys my favorite character has had carnal knowledge of.

    I love Black Canary.

  2. Ra's is in that group? Really? This is from where?

  3. Birds of Prey I believe. I actually haven't read that story, but I know that something goes on between the two somewhere. (I believe it's the Lazarous Pit that allows Canary to get her sonic scream back.)

  4. The Ray is in this group? Really?

  5. yes. From his old solo series.

  6. Oh yeah, that was funny when she dated Ra's. She had no idea. She thought Barbara was just upset that she was dating an *older* guy.

  7. thats right, I forgot Ray crushed on canary for a while,...

    you do know you are going to make me dig out my old Ray comics now...

  8. Yes! It was one of my favorite comics. I had such a crush on Ray as a teen, and -ah- was quite excited by the thought of him unleashing his light burst as it were. Sadly, it doesn't look like Canary enjoyed it very much as I recall that issue.

  9. The theme is guys my favorite character has had carnal knowledge of.

    Did Dr. Mid-Nite actually seal the deal, so to speak?

  10. Well, the actual theme is "Guy Who Went Out or Stayed In With Black Canary", for which Dr. M qualifies, regardless of the private details.

  11. "Did Dr. Mid-Nite actually seal the deal, so to speak? "

    That may be why she seems to be back with Ollie now. For some reason, those two always made me think of Reed and Sue over at Marvel (Fantastic Four for those four people who don't know what I'm talking about lol). It seems like a almost sexless marriage because Reed is so entralled in his own work that he doesn't have time for Sue...or did I read that wrong?

    Anyway, maybe it was for the better...I mean, if "when you have sex with one person, you have sex with everyone they've had sex with" is true, then, would you really want to have sex with Ollie Queen?

    I can't believe I'm discussing the sexual habits of comic book characters. All we need now is to talk about how Mary Jane died in Spiderman:Reign to make this complete.

    The Absorbascon: Black Canary's sex life and Composite Superman jokes.

  12. >>Black Canary's sex life and Composite Superman jokes.

    I'd go see that movie.

  13. Wait, wait... Black Canary had sex with Composite Superman!?

    And was it split down this middle as well?

  14. "If you want a 400 point version of this team, just subtract either of the Feat Cards and add the Golden Age Starman Unique (106 pt)."

    Holy, "Like mother like daughter," Batman! I must have missed that comic...

    "Okay Ted, let's see if you're really as good as my mom says you are."

