Monday, October 30, 2006

Four Out of Five Dentists Choose....

I need some help with a question:

during one Aquaman storyline, Neptune (or was it Poseidon?) gave him his trident.

What did it do? What happened to it?


  1. In the modern age? Seems like no one's sure what the hell it does:

  2. Not many people know this, but my grandfather was the one dentist out of five who did not recommend sugarless gum for his patients who chew gum.
    He recommended that his patients who chew gum, stop.

  3. It has the power of "Magic Plot Device" I've seen it used as both a magical conduit and a weapon. Sometimes it even seems to have somesort of affect on sea life.

    Of course this could all be wrong because I have no faith in my Human memory.

  4. It was forgotten during the transition from Peter David to Erik Larsen. Aquaman still had the kingly trident, but there was no mention of it being special or having it been handed by the Sea God.

    -- Hector

  5. This is for HeroClix, yes? The Trident shot ill-defined but powerful beams and boosted Tempest's magical strength. It also became THE symbol of power of Atlantean kingship, more so than the crown, and it was a fight for the trident that led to Koryak's banishment.

    Does he STILL have it? He used it to fight the Imperiex drone in Our Worlds at War, and I think Tempest used it as a channelling rod in The Obsidian Age to find Aquaman again. Was Tempest still using it in Infinite Crisis before the city went smoosh?

    And hey! The magical Dweller in the Depths seems to be lugging a big trident around. So, maybe!

  6. Not many people know this, but my grandfather was the one dentist out of five who did not recommend sugarless gum for his patients who chew gum.

    What? They only polled 5 dentists? That's not a very big survey then!

    He recommended that his patients who chew gum, stop.

    However, chewing helps to produce saliva which, in turn, helps neutralise harmful mouth acids. Also some gums contain ingredients that help fight tooth decay. So not chewing sugar free gum might actually be bad for you.

    Although, of course, one should still brush and floss one's teeth regularly!

    (Apologies - this has nothing at all to do with Aquaman's trident nor comics in general)

  7. "This is for HeroClix, yes?"

    Nope. Secret project.

    "The Trident shot ill-defined but powerful beams and boosted Tempest's magical strength."

    I really magic crap in comics; "A wizard did it."

  8. Aquaman uses it to get stuff out from underneath the couch,and therefore keeps it in the broom closet of the palace in Atlantis.

    At least that is where I would keep it. So handy!

  9. mmmm. Neptune's hot.

    Or is it Poiseidon?


  10. Nimbus, your hidebound views on tooth health will end up killing us all! My teeth get thirty-two channels even without cable, and can drop a man at twenty paces.

    Plus, free texts on weekends!

    Let's see Aquaman beat that.


    Scipio, I've just come back from some protracted time in the bush with a bunch of rough tough loggers, and as you might expect, I asked them all who their favourite super-hero was.

    Aquaman predominates, most especially among the married men.

    Close second is The Flash.

    Freaked out now?

  11. "Scipio, I've just come back from some protracted time in the bush with a bunch of rough tough loggers"

    OOooo! I rented that movies.

    To answer your question, NO, I am not surprised. Aquaman is the working man's hero, always has been. If his white-collar writers only understood that, they'd stop trying to foist Kingship on him...
