Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Good versus Evil



  1. Does this mean that Wildcat is evil and Hellhound good?

  2. where's G'nort?


  3. And sorry, but Bronze Tiger is awesome.

  4. I'm so, so glad Gail made Catman cool for once.


  5. I was halfway expecting to see some kind of argument that DC was more dog-centric and Marvel more cat-centric, or vice versa.

  6. "I was halfway expecting to see some kind of argument that DC was more dog-centric and Marvel more cat-centric, or vice versa."

    Heh heh. That would be like me, wouldn't it?

  7. Man, using the old Hostess ads is a low blow--they make everyone look stupid, even strangers.

  8. Catman endorsing cupcakes. Classic. Makes you wonder why Killer Moth never got any endorsement panels.

  9. Sorry, but Hostess cupcakes are Beyond Good and Evil.

  10. Or, is it racist because Rex is white...?

    I'm flashing back to high school for this one. My physics teacher took up ten minutes of class to announce that he was starting a Diversity Club (He was Latin-American in case anyone was wondering). One of the reasons he was doing this was that he bought an alphabet book for his toddler that depicted an Indian (the book's term) as a crocodile in a headdress playing the tom-toms. He pointed out that a cheif was not only the leader of a tribe, but the second highest religious figure in a tribe, and therefore it was offensive.

    I don't know why, but that bit of info stuck with me. Going to the University of Illinois after graduation and hearing the Chief Illiniwek debate every day may have drilled that in further.

    Then again, I could just be full of crap and am overreacting to something harmless. Yeah, that's probably it.

  11. Scipio,

    Good point. Though my high school physics teacher would (and did) argue that an animal depicting an ethnic group dehumanizes said group. Going to the University of Illinois and hearing the Chief Illiniwek debate may have hammered things in further.

    Of course, it's very likely that I am full of crap and am overreacting to the picture.

  12. Damn! Sorry for the double-post. I thought Blogger lost my first response. I'm gonna go away now.

  13. Those are three different Cheetahs: Priscilla Rich, Debbie Domaine, and Barbara Minerva.

  14. If being evil means enjoying creamy delicious Hostess Cupcakes®, then by all means, sign me up for villainhood.

    And those sexy!

  15. I see you PURPOSELY ignored the male Cheetah from the Jimenez's run.

    Which was probably the right thing to do.

  16. Lordy, I forgot all about him.

    Something Ballesteros, right?

    He's the counterpart to Wildcat II, another two-month character.

  17. Where's Streaky? Streaky rules.

  18. Cows Are From Marvel, Dogs Are From DC

  19. "Where's Streaky? Streaky rules."

    Wait for it.
