Tuesday, August 22, 2006

From Thee to Shining Thee

I'm off on a vacation! The dog and I are headed to the land of my upbringing. I'll be happy if I get access to electricity, let alone the internet, so there'll be no posting.

My evenings will be filled with hymn-singing rather than him-searching. Instead of barking at the mailman, the dog will be chasing chickens, and instead of Muttlicks for dessert he'll probably be scarfing cowpies. "Thee" will replace "whee!" and "thou" will replace "wow!" (and, yes, we really do talk that way).

Yep; it's back to Plainfolk Country to visit the relatives, 23% of whom are named "Jakob".
The dog and I always travel "God's Business Class".

Take advantage of my absence to:

  1. Review my archives. A lot of my most interesting stuff is from when no one (you included) was reading my blog and before I ran out of intelligent commentary and humorous observations.
  2. Make comments on old posts. I get e-mailed copies of all your comments, so it's never too late to comment on any of my posts; there are plenty of them.
  3. Try to remember the last time you were totally out of touch with the electric world and in touch with nature. Has it been too long?
  4. Make sure you know how to use what you would call Archaic Grammar (and what I call proper English). There is nothing more annoying to those of us needing to speak traditional English than those of you who butcher it.


  1. Have fun -- I'm sure we'll all miss you.

  2. "Thee" will replace "whee!" and "thou" will replace "wow!" (and, yes, we really do talk that way).

    You're from Asgard?

    Seriously, have a great vacation.

  3. A lot of my most interesting stuff is from when no one (you included) was reading my blog...

    Hey now. I've been here since about day seven, so nyeah nyeah. In fact, I left the first comment ever on your blog.


    Seriously, the Amish still talk like that?

  4. Am I to assume this is kind of Pennsylvania Dutch area, or'm I way offbase? (Heck, it could be Indiana. Or Iowa.)

  5. Now what am I going to do for my daily laugh?

    It's not like there's any solace in the "guess I really didn't need a laugh today" comics-section of the local newspaper.

  6. Are ancient Latin names nearly as common as Biblical ones among the Amish, or are you a special case?

  7. Are you going to review the last "Who Wants to Be a Super-Hero" before the finale?
