Saturday, July 08, 2006

A Cut Above

Today I give a shout out to the fine folks at the DC Conspiracy, a local collective of independent comic creators. I was chatting with one of them yesterday at Big Monkey about their new anthology "SHEAR TERROR", a collection of horror stories, each of which features a pair of scissors prominently. (I would put up a pic of the cover here, but it's too scary, actually...)

I love anthologies like that! A theme or "rule" for the stories gives them a related feel, but allows for -- indeed, highlights -- the creative team's respective bents and talents. Among its offerings, "Shear Terror" has a Poe redux, a mummy western, a wordless version of Pinocchio, a EC riff, the Spatula of Nightmare, a vampire bride, and proof of that old sailor's adage, "If Aquaman's not available, make sure you've got some scissors!'

Shear Terror is in black and white, but the artists do themselves credit by making that work to their advantage. So whatever you do, don't read Shear Terror at night in a darkened room!

DCConspirators will be at the upcoming Big Monkey party at Busboys & Poets at 7PM on Thursday July 20, with copies of Shear Terror to horrify you with!

1 comment:

  1. Another DC Conspiracy project is The Alberic Heresies by Barrus and Warrenfelz. Great stuff...
