Sunday, June 18, 2006

Tramps Wear Red

Courtesy of our friends at the Comic Treadmill...

The Bronze Age Batman was quite the swinger.


  1. Basically, you're saying Bronze Age Batman had an intimidating look, but pointed out the obvious?

  2. Was that the from the special JLA key party issue?

  3. So what was the context here? Is Batman setting straight some wiseass kid who came up to him and said, "Gee, you seem to spend an awful lot of time with Robin?" Forcing the Dark Detective to say, "Why, I've had LOTS of other partners!"...

  4. hahaha, that just made my day...

  5. "The Scarlet Speedster really gets around!"

    Oh, so that's what the "scarlet" part means! The good news is Barry's quite experienced. The bad news is he's done in about half a second. Also? Friction burns.

  6. First good laugh I've had today. Thanks

  7. I've got a 70s Brave and the Bold starring Batman and Flash that further illustrates their forbidden love.

    In said issue, there's a draw-dropping couple of panels where Bruce "Puts the Grrr in Swinger" Wayne is wearing a white leisure suit, and doing his best John Travolta impression beneath a glittering disco ball.

    And you dare say you hate the Bronze Age, Mr. Scipio? Blasphemy!

  8. eew. My brain just went scarlet=hanky code. eew.

    Thanks Scip. :oP
