Monday, June 26, 2006

Reasons to read "Manhunter" #1

Kate "Manhunter" Spencer is crazy-bold vigilante.

In Issue #1, to stop Copperhead from escaping custody, government prosecutor Kate steals some confiscated tech from the evidence room at her work, tracks him down a sewer, mouths off to him when he threatens to eat her, then blows his head off.

In self-defense, of course.

Now, that's the kind of over-the-top, non-decompressed, "no real person on earth would do that" kind of craziness that's straight out of the Golden Age -- the pulps even. And I like it.

Buy Manhunter.


  1. Already do.

    (hey everybody, save my favorite book)

  2. I'm just happy that for once, DC fans spoke up to save a really, really awesome book. This was the one title that really deserved all of the support.

  3. An excellent book. As I've said before, it does Marvel's old "everyman hero"/"feet of clay" shtick way better than anything at Marvel does right now.

  4. I actually picked the title up for the first time this month and while I enjoyed it, there's a lot of backstory that I'd like to catch up on. What's the best way to get a hold of back issues?

  5. Hunter--there's a trade collecting the first five (maybe six) issues, and I have a hunch that as part of DC's new marketing for it, they'll put out at least one more. Otherwise, the best way to get the actual issues is from your LCS or an online comics store.

    However, there's also a website, that summarizes most of the series so far, so maybe that'll help too.

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