Sunday, March 12, 2006


Quite some time ago, almost at the beginning of this blog, I discussed the difference between battle cries and signature exclamations (which are one of the many differences between Marvel and DC; you know, the differences that Martin can't see). Hal (why? why is it always Hal?) sought in vain for a signature exclamation.

The generic "Great Guns!" didn't cut it. On the Superfriends, he used to say "Great galaxies!", I believe, which is, eh, okay. Once the blue guys appeared on the scene, he started with the "Great Guardians!", which is disturbingly obsequious, even for Hal.

I'm not sure whether what he came up with is a battle cry or signature exclamation or something in between, but finally he hit upon something --



"Spoon"? "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious"? "Excelsior"? Forget them all. "UNMNGA!" is the only signature exclamation or battle cry you'll ever need.

"UNMNGA!" is what H.E.A.T. shouts when they storm the DC offices (or my house). "UNMNGA!" is what Ron Marz grunts when he dodges snipers. "UNMNGA!" is what stewardesses sigh in the wee hours as they stagger out of Hal's apartment building.

There are few situations for which "UNMNGA!" is not the ultimate expression. Now, if only I could pronounce it! Perhaps I need to get hit on the head more often...


  1. Hah, I say, HAH to that last panel.

  2. Like the rest of us, Hal knows what he's like, but doesn't understand why...

  3. I think it's pronounced like "unmanga" without the "a" in the first syllable of "manga."

  4. I love Hal. Even a completely oblivious klutz can become a superhero.

    You're doing a public service posting these, Scipio. When I bang my shins on the toolbox, I don't feel so bad anymore. I'm still qualified to be a Green Lantern.

  5. In the native Filipino language of Tagalog, "nga" is actually a very common word. Now, most people would object to starting off a word with the letter N immediately followed by a G, but we're Pacific Islanders and that's how we roll.

    In the case of Nga, it's pronounced "nung-uh." If that's any help.

  6. Fortunately, I took a seven-year course in nonsensical languages, and I know that "unmnga" is pronounced "uhn-moon-gah," after the Egyptian god of hitting people in the head with large, blunt objects. Every time he is hit in the head, Hal pays tribute to this god by offering the rotting meatloaf he calls a brain as a sacrifice to him. If it is accepted, we get a seven year run of Green Lantern in which every panel shows Hal being hit in the head; if it is not accepted, we get seven years of Hal Jordan/Mogo/Ch'p fanfiction on all Green Lantern fansites. Fortunately, the Egyptian gods love to see Hal get hit in the head too much to let that happen (I hope).

  7. Good point,Ragnell! Actually, consider how Hal is, and the power at his disposal, why, it would be impressive simply if he never destroyed the universe and everyone in it.

    But then, again...

    he did.

  8. "You're doing a public service posting these, Scipio. When I bang my shins on the toolbox, I don't feel so bad anymore. I'm still qualified to be a Green Lantern." Remember you must not be afraid of the toolbox! You must embrace it as Hal embraces H3 (Hal Head Hitting). After all Hal is too stupid to be afraid!

  9. Better start crying guys, because a professional wrestler uses the name Umaga, a few letters short of UNMNGA. Do I smell copyright infringement?
