Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Allow me to present "the Wildcat Gang", a gift to me from Totaltoyz!"Kitty" "Bob" "Lionel" and "Ty"

If you look closely, you can see the unique pelt patterns on their clothing. These feline goonclix are the perfect backup singers for Catwoman, the Cheetah, or Cat-Man (I have a Cat-Man custom, remember?). All I need is the rolling head of Pantha and I'll be all set for a major catfight. Actually, I suppose the Rolling Head of Pantha would be a pog... .

Goonclix are good.


  1. Panthas head would have to be a figure.

    It's the only way to get it's true pressence across.

  2. Only if your opponent gets to play the head of Max Lord.

  3. Rolling head of Pantha is the best joke about a senseles death ever.

    Back to the subject at hand, I really like these goons. They're thugs but they have that splash of variety to them. You could see them spinning off into their own mini series before being ruthlessly killed by a cross-over.

  4. That'd be one way to get a head in the game...

  5. I think Pantha's head could be a multi-sided die. Haw! "Die." Or maybe it could be a Madball. (Remember Madballs?)
