Thursday, March 02, 2006

Oh, Lana, where is thy sting?

Insect Queen. If you want her, she could be in YOUR next Heroclix game.

And honestly ... how could anyone not want Insect Queen?


  1. She was lookin' pretty hot in that second pit, but when I saw your heroclix, and when I went back up and looked at the SuperBoy cover, I was pretty repulsed. All I could think of was that entophilia is not something I want to think about.

    And yet, I can't stop thinking about it...

  2. Okay -- here we go.

    There is a great Superboy issue (one of the 100 page spectaculars) where Superboy take Lana with him to a Legion of Super Heroes meeting for her birthday (because, after all, what are you going to give her?) and they deal with the Legion of Super Traitors, if I remember correctly.

    Anyway, over at WHAT WERE THEY THINKING, a scene was posted from that story where Superboy is just hanging in her window ready to take her with him to the 30th century (in her pajamas) -- and it IS awful creepy. But in all the years I've read that story I never noticed till then.

    I guess a lot of the Legion stories are full of that unhealthy vibe that I didn't notice as a kid!

    [typo: Before I fixed it, I had typed "Legion of Super Herpes" which is clearly a Marvel title.]

  3. Even more than the conversion, that's just a great re-paint on Firestar's head.

  4. Scarey breasts on that heroclix figure

  5. I only want to play goofy characters like yours. And I can't afford the fine works you've commissioned.

    I do give volume discounts...

  6. Scott,

    I like big monkeys, too.

    If you put M'sieur Mallah with the Ultrahumanite and Gorilla Grodd and the Detective Chimp pog, yes, that's a substantial team.

    And you might be surprise how many goofy characters Wizkids HAS made.
