Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Hexmas Season

Here's Jonah Hex reassuring Wonder Woman about the confusing complexities of time travel.

Here's Jonah Hex mowing down some trainrobbers with a Gatling gun on Christmas day, ten years after they first escaped him.

The comics that contain these scenes came out on the same day. I was going to bloviate about how fabulous that makes DC. Then I realized that if you don't immediately understand that on your own, no amount of lecturing on my part will enlighten you.

Note that, as usual, there's a "Hexism" in this week's "Favorite Quote" poll (in fact, it's what Jonah says right before the gatling starts.) But as much as I love Jonah, and usually vote the Hexism, this week my own vote has to go to the Red Tornado.

I mean, really ... "Kyle has an idea." I haven't laughed so hard since the last time Hal hit his head!


  1. Poor Red Tornado... I'm sure Kyle's idea will somehow lead to his inevitable dismantling. They should just have his parts ride around on some Wookie's back.

    I voted for the Hex quote. Awesome book.

  2. I have one question. Didn't JLU come out last week? I know I bought it last week!

  3. And the Firestorm came out several weeks ago...

  4. Jonah Hex #5: Best Christmas Comic Ever.

  5. *Sigh* Would it make you feel better if it said "Recent" comics?

    Work with me, here, people, or you're in danger of missing the point....

  6. I see others are agreeing with me.

    Intelectual nerd Martin Stien talking about Firestorms fashion choices is completely awesome.

  7. I must say, I'm surprised. It just goes to show, funny always beats sententious.

  8. Just to show how cool my parents were, one of the first comics I ever got was for Christmas one year. It was the current (at the time) issue of Jonah Hex that had him holding up Santa Claus at gunpoint. Imagine pulling that out of your Christmas stocking.

    That comic is one of the books that made me realize that DC was SO much better than Marvel.

    You would never see any of the gay Marvel western characters holding up Santa Claus.

    Mike Nielsen

  9. They allow two very different types of Jonah Hex's (Hexi?) to be on the market, but yet they won't allow Constantine to show up anywhere in the regular DCU

    At least they let Batman remember Swamp Thing...

  10. aaawww, poor Kyle. I'm still a fan, pal, even if everybody else hates you.
