Thursday, February 09, 2006

"Local Boy Makes Good"

Hey, I'm in the paper today.

Oh, but for the record,
we prefer to be called "Pharoah Ants"....


  1. The Georgetown store, Pollack says, was intended to emulate an “English bookstore.”

    What? Like Borders?

  2. When I want to tell you somthing's strictly amateursville, man, I just let my FINGERS do the talking! *SNAP*

  3. So, he actually strives for that boring-ass atmosphere (or lack thereof)? I thought it was a mistake... and if you're a pissant, what's that make Devon, or hell, me for that matter?

  4. The saddest thing in the world is geek-on-geek violence.

    By the way, calling your competition "pissant" to a newspaper reporter on the record = strictly Amateursville.

  5. "what's that make Devon, or hell, me for that matter?"

    Hm. I guess "worker pissants" or "warrior pissants". I suppose I'm the Queen Pissant (tee-hee). I'll have to have new business cards made...

  6. I just hope this doesn't escalate any further. I am still getting over the East Coast/West Coast rap rivalry. Please no comic book drivebys on Wisconsin Avenue - you might hit someone in Commander Salamander's!

  7. Amateursville: is that near Coast City or Gotham?

  8. Is this cause of this guy's beef his fear of competition, and his whining/threatened litigation over the Big Monkey name the only way he feels he can retaliate? "Sakes alive! Another comic book store! I must stop them! Let me call my attorney, Matt Murdoch and put an end to this!"

    Competition. That's unpatriotic!

    If he's so confident in his English-bookstore business model, then he shouldn't have to worry about you guys.

    His next step will be to go to the Council of the District and have them pass an ordinance forbidding two comic book stores from being located within 2 blocks of one another.

    Good luck.

  9. " Amateursville: is that near Coast City or Gotham?"

    Not sure, but as Bobby Flashpants pointed out, Snapper Carr used to live there...

  10. I call the title of Pissantoinette!

    Also, as for a certain person's concern for laypeople--I remember being a young(er) lad, fairly new to the comics game, and venturing out to Big Planet Bethesda every once in a while (just to fill some gaps Another Universe left of course). That place scared me to death. Quiet, serious and sterile...not the kind of place that would seem to be designed for the "layperson" to wander in and "see what all this funnybook business is aboot" (yes, aboot). Confuses me that now they seem concerned about enticing laypeople into wandering in (but seriously, don't you have to be looking for that G-Town store to find it?) after fashioning an atmosphere that's damn near daunting to anyone but the devoted.

  11. Truthfully, I was a customer at Another Universe and then Beyond Comics for 4 years and never knew there WAS another comics shop in G'town. But man, you have GOLD in Devon. You could call your store "Boring Comics" and I'd still go. Anyone who gets the comics on-time after 9/11 (I didn't even know that story...) is THE MAN!!!

  12. " I call the title of Pissantoinette!"

    GOD, that's beautiful...

  13. " New Carthage sounds like a fictionopolis for the Doom Patrol or the X-Files-styled Challengers of the Unknown."

    Ha! Actually.... There was a New Carthage in the real world; Carthago Nova,in Spain. The name evolved in Cartagena, as it's called today.

    New Carthage is ALSO where Hudson University was in the pre-Crisis DCU, where Dick Grayson went to college.

  14. "the lyrics for General Scipio's Fabulous Fighting Absorbascommandos' Official Pissanthem"

    I LOVE that idea...

  15. Okay, that id.. guy goes insane about BIG PLANET vs BIG MONKEY? What is that? Three @%/?§$ letters?
    What's next?
    Will he sue Big Barda?

  16. "GOD, that's beautiful..."

    I expect a nametag waiting for me when I get back in town.

    ...and it better be pink.

  17. When it all is over, you must get Rob Reiner to make the mockumentary. I can see it now: 'This Is Big Monkey Business...'
