Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Best Post Ever.

Someone finally gets Wonder Woman.

The seldom-seen Mike Grell JLA costumes.

The fictionopolis I DEMAND that DC bring back.

Please become familiar with this character during Black History Month.

An interview I did before I was blogging.

A photo contest that my dogs won last summer that I didn't know about until just now.


  1. Good morning,Scipio. I enjoyed the interview, especially this bit...
    For a man who can read Greek, Latin, French and Spanish...
    Does that mean that you know both the Latin and the Greek Alphabets?
    Or also the French and Spanish ones? *grin*

  2. Scipo reads my blog?


  3. Well, of course, I do, silly! It's a kneeslapper.

  4. Why thank you. I'm rather fond of yours.

    I'll post my Americommando panel tomorrow, just for you.

  5. I knew I recognized your picture from somewhere! Someone I once worked with in the theatre handed me Metro Weekly and said "See - comics - not just for straight folks!" This was in response to me saying "Theatre - not just for gay folks" after he found out I was straight.

  6. Ha, that's funny!

    You live in the District, then, I take it?

  7. The overlap is considerable, Ostrakos. Indeed, what are comic books if not the Greek plays of today?

  8. hey, Scip! I was just re-reading this post (as part of a discussion about Adventure Creation for Superhero RPGs), and noticed the link to the Sundell article was broken.

    For those reading the article now, you can find the original 1942 essay here.
