Wednesday, December 14, 2005

The Eyes of Hal Jordan

I'm not saying Hal Jordan's not ... not trustworthy, mind you.

I mean, lots of people glance around.

Out of the corners of their eyes.

Their masked eyes.


In extreme close up.

I'm just saying...

he really is one severely shifty-eyed brothermucker.


  1. I just have to bow down before someone who can read a SHOWCASE volume and notice a running trend in its hero's eyes, that this is the thing that pops out to blogged about. I am in awe, Mister Scipio, Sword of the Blogosphere. I am in awe.

  2. He's just constantly making sure that the "camera" has a good angle of him, naturally.

  3. Hey, can you blame him? He's powerless against the color yellow! Think about it --- every time a traffic light changes or someone hails a cab he's gotta hope that Sinestro doesn't pick RIGHT NOW to start something.

    If I were Hal, I'd be damn sure that I kept my eyes peeled at all times for the likes of lemons, taxicabs, slippery floors, banana peels, Batman, and Ron Marz!

  4. Thats Mr. Scipio: Sword of Blogosphere.

    Can't forget the colon.

    Never forget the colon.

  5. Gee, I never noticed how pouty Hal's lips are.

  6. "Riddle me this:

    What's Hal Jordan fear the most?


    Ron Marz in a raincoat."

  7. Mallet;

    thank you for minding my colon.

    Would that all men were so gentlemanly.

  8. Gee, I never noticed how pouty Hal's lips are.

    must keep an eye out
    so the Leaguers won't see me
    apply my lip balm.

  9. You realise it's posts like this that made me buy the Green Lantern Showcase, don't you?

  10. thank you for minding my colon.
    Would that all men were so gentlemanly.

    Am I the only one who caught the double entende?

    Anyway, I never trusted that guy. I mean, it's easy enough to trust someone without irises or pupils. But shifty eyes? No dice.

  11. Double Entende?

    No such thing.

    Hehehehe my word verification is:


  12. I think it's a way to showcase his beautiful features. This is the post Scipio needs to link to from now on when he mentions Hal is a man-babe.

    (And all those Hal-fans make fun of Kyle by calling him a "male-model" Please, look at the prototype!)

  13. He's still a shifty-eyed fellow, really. Especially in the Secret Files and Origins, where he's clearly watching minding someones...

    Oh my god, I can't believe I was actually going to type that. I'm going to go collect what's left of my shame and flee.

    (But yeah, shifty.)

  14. He's such a snob, too. Look how he sticks that nose in the air!

  15. The world dreads the coming day when the JLA showcase hits scipio's scanner...

    (Noticing that Hal (and Batman and Ollie) all have little-orphan-annie eyes in their masks there, though. Still plenty of material, especially from the 'has such powerful BO that he must shower every hour or the world is doomed' version of aquaman...)

  16. " The world dreads the coming day when the JLA showcase hits scipio's scanner..."

    Oh, I've been taking notes on that little gem.

    What is freakiest about the Green Lantern stuff, is that MOST of the time, his mask eyes are BLANK.

    Then, out of the blue, for dramatic purposes, he manifests his pupils to shock the reader.

    The man's a total drama queen, I tell ya.

  17. scipio -- I noticed that in Emerald Dawn.

    Wish they did it in the modern stuff. The mask is only energy anyway.
