Thursday, December 15, 2005

Batting Practice

That reminds me,

speaking of Snapper feeling all queer and tingly inside...

you know the real reason Snapper left the Justice League?

Let's just say,
Sue Dibny wasn't the first!


  1. Except that Snapper didn't mind quite so much.

    All joking aside, has it ever been revealed exactly what the heck Dr. Light was doing on the satellite in the first place when he assaulted Sue? It seems to have become a completely forgotten plot point.

  2. Eeek! Hourman already showed how horrible things keep happening to this guy! Now this too?!

  3. Is there anybody Dr. Light won't molest?

  4. He hasn't gotten me yet!

  5. Do you have the slightest idea how much booze it's going to take to scrape that image out of my brain?

    Dammit, where's a mind-wipe when you really need one?

  6. Is he tugging on a surgical glove in that bottom picture?

  7. Man, it's one thing to bring up Aquaman. That's amusing. So is Vibe.

    But nobody, and I mean nobody wants to see Snapper Carr. And you just did two in a row. *Shakes head*

  8. Now, now, Snapper is kind of cute in that complete idiot sort of way. You know, the 'you were so cute until you opened your mouth,' way. Uh, 'opened your mouth to speak,' I should say.

  9. Heh, I like Snapper Carr. I think I'm the only person in the world to actually. :-)

    He was neat in Hourman, and Young Justice...

    Not so much getting...accosted by Dr. Light though.

  10. Is there anybody Dr. Light won't molest?

    Your mom!

  11. The post Crisis Snapper's an okay guy, Kalinara.

    But for the pre Crisis Snapper Carr is the single most hated character in the DCU.

  12. Ahh, I must admit I haven't read any pre-Crisis Snapper Carr. I think I'd like to, do you have any recommendations for specific issues in which he's particularly hateful?

  13. Nothing easier!

    Just pick up the JLA:SHOWCASE that's currently on sale.

    Snapper's there in almost every story.

    Being "hip".

    I wonder whether he'll be showing up with Jimmy Olsen in "Elongated Man: Sword of Opal City"...?

  14. Thanks! I'll give it a shot!

    And god willing, yes, yes he will. If nothing else, the snapping should fit right in with the beatnik crowd of Opal city. :-)
