Wednesday, September 21, 2005

When I Was Born

When I was born ...

readers thrilled to such stories as

Superbaby at Scotland Yard

Clark Kent's first haircut

King Krypto

and, apparently,

Superboy practicing to be in the Macy's Parade.

Just promise me you'll think of that the next time you want to complain about this week's comics, okay?


  1. I would rather read a dozen comics just like that one than Teen Titans Outsiders Secret Files and Origins 2005.

    Any day of the week.

  2. Oh THAT's funny! I actually put that back on to the racks, myself.

    But The Joker's Daughter story looked interesting; was it?

  3. It was okay. What it didn't have was anything approaching a secret or an origin, though. And it sort of feels like at least one page at the end was missing. [The story doesn't end so much as just stop. All the other stories had an 'end' tag on their last pages; it didn't] Which, if the case, could explain the other lacks.

    Whoever pitched and accepted a 'let's do a sequel to Titans Hunt' proposal is the one who really needs to get donated to Marvel. Because I want to see 'The Return of the Scarlet Spider: 2005'

  4. What's to complain about? I see nothing but classic reading in this here Superboy Annual, my friend.

    Teen Titans/Outsiders etc...? Just...get. Away.

  5. Why is Power-Boy in the top left corner wearing a kercheif?

  6. You know, I just bought this comic on ebay yesterday - can't wait to see what's inside.

  7. Hey, that's a good point! No child abuse and/or complete mischaracterization in sight!

    Wait, I just read All-Star Batman and Robin.

    Giant Superboy is the Best Comic Ever!

  8. I'm con-fussed.I thought you adored this old-skool crap? ;-)

    Superboy at Scotland Yard!? Brilliant. I always love it when super-heroes come over and show us how it's done (highlight has to be the last page of Batman: The Scottish Connection where the Scots get Him to drink!)

    However, in the current DC and Global environment this story would be retconned as "Superboy blows brains out of innocent man on Tube".

  9. The above should have read "Superbaby" instead of "Superboy".

    My sincerest apologies!

  10. See? There IS love for old comics, isn't there?

  11. Bat-mac;

    just because I enjoy it doesn't mean it isn't stupid as all get out.

    That's what I enjoy about it.

  12. Man, that Krypto - just look at 'im go! Is it any wonder Jeph Loeb restored him to his rightful super-muttly place? Now if only someone would get to work on bringing back Beppo the Super-Monkey! (Geoff Johns, I'm looking in your direction...!)

  13. Rgreen;

    I think "Power-Boy" must have an interesting backstory, huh?

    I wonder who nicknamed him that...

  14. What year did this come out?
