Saturday, September 03, 2005

Ten Questions

I need some dumb questions answered; can any of you help me?

1. So, what can Tempest do, exactly?

2. Which villains have law degrees?

3. Why weren't people mad at Marvel for the "Sentry" hoax?

4. What idiot decided that Two-Face's movie theme song should be in 3/4 time?

5. How many years now has the Flash storyline been running in circles?

6. Am I the only person who remembers that Batman trained Vibe?

7. What are Koryak's powers and how do you know?

8. Have you noticed that most young heroes aren't college-educated?

9. When the Legion cartoon starts soon, can we forget the current unpleasantness that is LSH?

10. Why doesn't DC sell copies of the map of Gotham?


  1. 1. Tempest is now a mage trained by Aquaman's grandfather.

    2. Two-Face is the only one I can think of.

    3. If you are refering to the 'Stan Lee created this guy' deal, I think it was obvious that Smilin' Stan didn't create him as he is better known for making characters that are, what's the word I'm looking for? Oh yeah, original.

    4. The same idiot that had Harvey re-flip his coin when he didn't like the result. Two-Face never re-flips!

    5. Ha!

    6. I didn't know that.

    7. He's like an evil ancestor of Aquaman, right? I think I saw that on the interweb.

    8. Never throught of that. Then again, crime-fighting does seem to interfere with studying.

    9. Haven't read LSH since Crisis. But given the team working on it, I'd say it's in good hands.

    10. Maybe no one has brought it up until now.

  2. It might be a mistake for DC to sell maps of Gotham.

    It'd create a whole bunch of continuity they'd have to worry about contradicting.

  3. 1. Also besides being a generic mage, Tempest can change the temperature of water, freezing or boiling it.

    2. Does Brad Meltzer counts?

    3. Well, there is a lot of people that either still thinks that The Sentry was really created by Stan Lee or think that was created by Brian Michael Bendis (since the character wasn't used for so long before the New Avengers appearence.

    10. There was an issue of Swamp Thing that had an map of Gotham... though don't ask me what number was. Of course was just the neighborhood layouts no detail on the streets.

  4. 1. I'm trying to pick a heroclix dial for him. Can he fly? Can he attack from a distance?

    2. Bwa-ha-ha-ha! I have GOT to tell that one to Brad....! He's a wonderful guy, by the way, not a villain.

    10. Oh, there IS a map. It was published in a Secret Files, used extensively in No Man's Land, and (if you look carefully) is pretty much unchanged in "Batman Begins". The info's out there; why the HECK doesn't DC turn it into a POSTER?!?!?!

  5. 2. Jean-clipso

  6. Taken from The Tempest Page


    Aqualad: His abilities as Aqualad were slim. He posessed incresed strenth, speed, hearing and sight; as well as the telepathic ability to communicate with fish and other sealife, and to live naturally under water.

    Tempest: He retains all previous abilities, as well control over heat and cold, stun blasts that are emanted through his eyes, and control over water (i.e funnels, tidal waves).

    So he can't fly (was in doubt about this one... never read a story where he does that, but hey, you never know) and can attack from distance (though I don't remember this attack being that great). Also the talking to fish part is kinda sketchy (there was time where his power was just like aquaman, where he commanded the marine life, them after Millenium he was able only to make requests to fish, not order them around, them on the Peter David run prior to him becoming Tempest he wasn't able to talk to fish at all (or at least to dolphins. I remember a scene where a dolphin is talking about a flying dolphin to Aquaman and Dolphin and they say "WHAT?" and aqualad says how he miss not having knowing another language.

  7. " Oh, there IS a map. It was published in a Secret Files, used extensively in No Man's Land, and (if you look carefully) is pretty much unchanged in "Batman Begins". The info's out there; why the HECK doesn't DC turn it into a POSTER?!?!?!"

    Oh, well, okay, then they should make a poster.

    But don't blame me if, in five years, there's a massive, 24-month long reboot 'event' called 'INFINITE CARTOGRAPHIC CRISIS'.

  8. JNR;
    who is this Bob Wayne and how do I contact him?

    By the way,
    who are YOU, really...? LOL!

  9. Koryak has hard water powers and he can breathe underwater. I know this because I read Peter David's run on Aquaman. Good stuff.

  10. I have a copy of The Atlas of the DC Universe by Paul Kupperberg, that was put out in connection with Mayfair Games for RPG stuff, I guess in about 1990. This has a map of Gotham (as well as of a lot of other fictionopolises). Is this anything lke the Secret Files/No Man's Land one? It does put GC in Jersey.

  11. The No Man's Land novelization by Greg Rucka has a map of Gotham right in the beginning. A lot of the streets are named after past creators (Finger, Sprang and so on).

  12. Oh, I've see the map; it's great.


  13. You want it as poster so you can plan your crime spree through the city of Gotham!

  14. Oh, Ian...

    I'm so sorry.

    Now I have to have you killed...
    but I'll instruct the Absorbaninjas to make it painless.

  15. Oh yeah like you could...


  16. 3. Why weren't people mad at Marvel for the "Sentry" hoax?
    -- If you start listing all the things Marvel fans [i]should[/i] be mad about, they start getting angry. Best not bother them.

    4. What idiot decided that Two-Face's movie theme song should be in 3/4 time?
    -- Danny Elfman, who was once a terrific movie composer.

    5. How many years now has the Flash storyline been running in circles?
    -- About the same as Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, Archie & Jughead...

    6. Am I the only person who remembers that Batman trained Vibe?
    -- Very likely.

    8. Have you noticed that most young heroes aren't college-educated?
    -- They want to make them accessible, you know.

    9. When the Legion cartoon starts soon, can we forget the current unpleasantness that is LSH?
    -- Hope not, the LSH makes sense to me for the first time in a long time.

    10. Why doesn't DC sell copies of the map of Gotham?
    -- For the same reason they don't sell posters of non-Jim Lee or Micheal Turner covers... they don't know what the hell they are doing.

  17. Was the Sentry thing a hoax? I thought it was obviously one of those post-modernist thingies. I suppose having read Marvel Comics in the early sixties helped. Did many people believe it to be true?

  18. Elfman didn't score Batman Forever.
