Thursday, September 08, 2005

Riddle Me This!

How many cross-company Marvel/DC character codename duplications are there?

Let's start with the Captains Marvel (however it is spelled).

And the rest are ... ?


  1. Scarecrow off the top of my head.

  2. *sigh*

    I pour my heart in a Rung of Villainy; nothing.

    But one trivia question gets 6 replies in 6 minutes...

    there oughtta be a law!

  3. The problem Scipio is your Rungs of Villiany nail exactly the status order of the DC bad guy universe. I read those posts as lessons to be learned from the wise master. I'm too busy scribbling notes to dare break your concentration with comments.

  4. Aurora - Alpha Flight member, and one of The Recombatants from Tales of the Teen Titans; I think she might've been in Superboy and the Ravers, too. (Also, Aurora is one of the goddesses from whom Mary Marvel gets her powers.)

    Chameleon - Spider-Man villain, and member of the Legion of Super-Heroes (formerly Chameleon Boy)

    Changeling - X-Men villain, and Teen Titans member (now Beast Boy, again)

    Darkstar - Soviet Super-Soldier turned X-Corp operative turned ... dead, and one of Donna Troy's many codenames

    Destiny - Evil Mutant / Mystique's main squeeze, and one of the Endless

    Fury - Captain Britain -- and, later, X-Men -- villain, and a member of Infinity Inc.

    Puppet Master -- Fantastic Four villain, and foe of Green Lantern and Teen Titans (later as Puppeteer)

    Plus, there are various gods and goddesses who've appeared in both universes (Hercules/Herakles, various Olympians, and, in Sandman, Thor, Loki and Odin)

  5. All of the Metal Men have an analog in the Elements of Doom, right?

    The X-men and Checkmate both have a Bishop (and, arguably, a White Queen)

  6. No one has yet named THE EEL; loser Marvel villain and recent Aquaman bad guy.

    And how about the WIZARD, foe of the JSA and Fantastic Four?

    And I think Lobo had an arch nemesis called ICE MAN.

  7. A lot of the gods and goddesses cross over, but two memorable issues of Thor feature Wonder Woman's mom.

  8. Pretty sure there's a Jackal in both universes, as well.

  9. Black Racer: Marvel's green-haired Serpent Society member and DC's Black Knight cosmic cross country ski dude.

  10. Also, although he orginally came whatever company first published the Terra Obscura characters, Tom Strange was actually at first Dr. [Thomas] Strange.

  11. And of course, there was Mentallo (a Micronauts villain that later popped up in Marvel Team-Up as an agent of Professor Power) and Flex Mentallo.

  12. Speed Demon was both a Flash villain and a small-time Avengers and Spider-Man villain, I believe.

  13. Ringmaster was the leader of the Circus of Crime at Marvel and a one-time Flash villain at DC.

    The Wrecker was a 1950s Batman villain at DC and a Thor and Avengers villain at Marvel.

    And at Quality Comics, in a story DC reprinted in the 70s after they bought QC out, Quicksilver (mentioned above) battled a villain called The Wasp.

  14. It leaves one to wonder who does the ranking. Is there a list kept of characters too small to care about? Do people in the Marvel and DC offices maintain a list of "C-List" characters that they on't care if someone else creates. It's not like all the A-List names are so good... ("Talia Head"--I mean really?!)

  15. I'm surprised no one named the Guardian (Leader of Alpha Flight/Leader of Newsboy Legion), especially since others remembered obscure Alpha Flight characters.
    Also, Puck (Alpha Flight/a.k.a. Robin Goodfellow in the Sandman "Midsummer Night's Dream" issue).
    There's Triton (Marvel's aquatic Inhuman/DC aquatic minor God).
    And there were also a few G.I. Joe characters with DC names. (They met J.J. Jameson and the Transformers, it's technically Marvel continuity).
    Hawk (One-time leader of G.I. Joe/Dove's brother)
    Stalker (Snake Eyes' buddy since Vietnam/weird Ditko creation that barely lasted a few issues)

  16. olThor was in Sandman, as well as marvel. I know sandman is vertigo but if sandman can meet martian manhunter why not?

  17. Quicksilver, which was Max Mecury's name back when he was a Quality character.
