Monday, June 20, 2005

Vanity, thy name is Morrison

Originally uploaded by Scipio1.
What manner of place is this, where that strangely garbed man perches?

Bizarre architecture! Hideous gargoyles! The highest suicide rate in the nation! It can only be: Vanity!

DC's weirdest writer created its weirdest city (other than Gorilla City). In only ten issues, Morrison's urban nightmare made quite an impression on readers, as you can tell from the comments on previous "fictionopolis" posts.

Vanity was designed to attract a great evil, the shadow god Tezcatlipoca. Along the way, it also attract some low-rent heroes, corrupting them into low-rent villains. Exactly why this is the case I leave to the Absorbascommenters to detail!

I know a lot of Morrison ideas are created as throwaways, but the idea of an intrinsically evil city is too good to lose! DC, bring back Vanity!

But who in their right mind would live in Vanity? Perhaps the Creeper should live there...!


  1. Booster Gold?

    That would be funny...

  2. No, not the Creeper! Aztek should live there!!!! AZTEK!!!!!!! WHY DID YOU LEAVE US!?!?!?!?!? WHY GOD WHY!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    OW! Sorry. I just... really liked Aztek. A lot. Um. So, yeah, someone should, uh, do something. With that place. Yep.

  3. It was the little things that made Aztek great. In one issue they out the Superhero ID application that Aztek had to file with the city. I ripped it off and used it in my superhero rpg where it was a big hit.

  4. Yay Vanity! I'd like to see Mary Marvel, Uncle Marvel, and Talky Tawny move to Vanity.

    Between your rundown of the fictionopolises and the news yesterday that Grant will be taking on a consulting role for DC bringing back long forgotten characters, I keep hoping that we'll see Vanity again, if not Aztek. I mean Aztek even has an action figure now that he's a minor TV star.

    But then again, even Vibe got a figure...

  5. This Anonymous has found the perfect resident hero for Vanity:

    (drum roll)

    The new Batgirl, Cassandra Cain.
