Sunday, June 12, 2005

The Sounds of Silence: Frzzz!

Originally uploaded by Scipio1.

I didn't notice this the first time I saw it, let alone appreciate it. It was in a Loeb story, and the only way to avoid the "Loeb headache" is to read too fast for the full impact of the stupidity to hit you.

Anyway, the sound of Mr. Freeze's freeze-bazooka is FRZZZZ. Brilliant! Not only is it a pretty accurate spelling of the sound effect they used for the gun on Batman the Animated Series, but it also says what it's doing: FREEZE.

The less said about the pitiful DKUSH dribbling out of that poseur Captain Cold's chilly-pistol, the better...


  1. Captain Cold could freeze circle around Mr. Freeze. It's not the size that matters, it's how you use it.

  2. PFtt! That's what guys with little pistols always say...
