Thursday, June 23, 2005

Quality or Quantity?

Originally uploaded by Scipio1.
Ooooh, the "genius" of Jack Kirby is being collected in the Kamandi Archive Volume!

Let's get a little perspective on Kamandi, shall we?

Kamandi: 51 issues
Peter Porkchops: 61 issues
Mr. District Attorney: 68 issues
Buzzy: 77 issues
Leave it to Binky: 82 issues
Sugar & Spike: 98 issues
Tomahawk: 104 issues
Fox and Crow: 108 issues
Bob Hope: 109 issues
Jerry Lewis: 124 issues

There; I feel much better now!


  1. Comparing the genius of Jack Kirby to the towering godhood of Jerry Lewis is not fair and you know it. That's like comparing the power of 'Mazing Man to the might of The Spectre.

    Holy crap, I think I pulled a geek muscle. Ow.

    Somebody get me some ice!

  2. And c'mon, is genius too strong a word for Kamandi? Look closely at that map.

    "Lion Hordes vs. Mao-Tse-Tigers?"

    "Gorilla Germaneks?"



    That, dear friends, is genius. Mock the King at your peril.

  3. Was that list supposed to represent "crappy" books that had longer runs than Kamandi? Because Sugar & Spike is awesome.And Sheldon Mayer was a genius. So that book shouldn't be on that list. (unless I misunderstood the point of the list, which I readily concede is possible)

  4. On the other hand, in 51 issues of Kamandi, Kirby didn't actually have the Orangutan Surfing Civilization appear in the book. Which has got to be one of the world's great tragedies.

  5. Kirby's Kamandi looks just like his Sue Storm.

    Then again, I've always thought most of his characters look pretty much the same.

  6. Hey, no apologies for my Kirby-hatin' I am the scorpion riding on the frog's back, folk; it's in my nature...

    Jhunt; I agree! Ah, but WHERE is the Sugar and Spike Archive? The injustice!

    Robby: of course they didn't. Because, unlike Kamandi, there was more than one person willing to work on "Jerry Lewis" and "Fox and Crow". "Fox and Crow", by the way, gave us Stanley and his Monster, which was the mechanims Kevin Smith used to bring back Green Arrow. The remaining relevance of Kamandi? ZERO. Just another drool cup for Kirby-fetishists...

  7. Scipio's just mad because Kamandi could probably take out a squadron of Thanagar's finest wearing a pair of cutoffs and using an ancient firearm.

    Kamandi rules!

  8. Sweet -- I live on Monster Lake!

  9. Excellent, that was really well explained and helpful

  10. So fetishists use drool cups? This blog is an education!
