Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Brave New World

As long as the DCU is being shaken to its foundations (again), I'm going to ask for what I personally would like to see as series in a monthly line (and I encourage you to do the same).

Batman & Detective
a "Batman Family" title (a title that has one issue stories featuring Batman-related heroes, without him).
Gotham (with stories and plots featuring some of the supporting characters)
Animated Batman

Superman & Action
Superman Family (a la Batman Family)
Metropolis (with stories and plots featuring some of the supporting characters)
Animated Superman

Flash & Flash Family (Kid Flash, Max Mercury, Barry Allen, and Jay Garrick back in the day, Jesse Quick, Jonny Quick)

Wonder Woman

"Wonder Women" (a title featuring various female characters; hey, BOP is quite popular, you know!)
Animated Wonder Woman/Women (little girls can read, too!)

Aquaman & Hawkman

Martian Manhunter
and "Strange Adventures" (this book would be the home for all DC's unused alien and hardboiled detective types.)

Green Lantern & GL Corps

JLA & Brave & the Bold (a team up/solos book for the JLA's extended family)
Animated JLU
Animated Brave & the Bold

JSA & All-Star (a team up/solos book for the JSA's extended family)

Teen Titans & Legion
Animated Titans

A magic monthly & a space monthly & a cowboy monthly & a military monthly (weaving those worlds as big winding operatic storylines)


  1. I want one of the Batbooks to be a permanent, dedicated "Year One" book, a place where Robin never yet arrives, and Gotham's police and legal system is still corrupt from stem to stern with the exception of three friends and allies fighting the good fight: Bruce Wayne, Lieutenant James Gordon, and District Attourney Harvey Dent.

  2. I'm still waiting for my Grant Morrison/Phil Jiminez Legion of Superheroes series I asked for when I listed my dream books way back when.

  3. I agree with all of your choices except "Superman family." Superman's supporting cast? Bleh. Not as interesting or versatile as Batman's (potentially, anyway). I would add New Gods (done by Walt Simonson), Resurrection Man (because I liked it, dagnabbit) and Aztek (man, if they held out 2-3 more months, he could've made it).

  4. I'd love to see a sprawling WWII comic where Easy Company would always be running into the Blackhawks or the Haunted Tank. Hmmm... come to think of it, if Darwyn Cooke's THE NEW FRONTIER wasn't so complete in and of itself, I would love to just see all those non-superhero characters from that era constantly bumping into each other.

  5. "I agree with all of your choices except "Superman family." Superman's supporting cast? Bleh."

    That's because no one has ever really done anything with them. They haven't really changed in all these years. Jimmy Olsen had his own series and he's still the same Jimmy today he was back then.

    Plus they stole Sawyer and put her in a bat book. That's not fair. Not that anyone over in the Supes offices was putting her to good use, but still.

    One more thing...Bibbo Rules!

  6. "I'm still waiting for my Grant Morrison/Phil Jiminez Legion of Superheroes series I asked for when I listed my dream books way back when."

    That sounds cool, but now I hope they don't mess with what waid and Kitson has going on now.

    I actually like the current line-up of titles (if not all the creative teams) especially once JSA: Classified, the All-Star books, and the Green Lantern Corps book all come on-line.

    Really the only things I'd add are a couple of the things Scipio suggests, like The Brave And The Bold team-up book, and a couple of the magic/space/western/military stories. The give Johns that Flash Rogues monthly he's been wanting, lose either LotDK or Gotham Knights (and maybe one of the 3 Supes books), and there you have it.

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