Friday, May 27, 2005

Stupid Hero Quote

No matter how drugs Grant Morrison takes. No matter how much sugar Jeff Loeb eats. No matter how often Roy Thomas foregoes sleep to read All-Stars for 72 hours straight.

No one can duplicate the madness of the Silver Age. It was a time when a superhero could say, with a perfectly straight face:

"Then, for a while, I was Hitler?"

And be correct.

But who? And why?


  1. Hey! I actually think I get this! Would it be Superboy, from the Legion of Superheroes story wherein he, Mon-El, and Lightning Lad got taken over by the minds of Hitler, Nero, and Dillinger respectively?

  2. Impressive...and correct!

    Hitler and Nero in the 30th; why, of course...!

  3. If I can be so bold as to self-link.... (under June 2nd, 2004)

  4. Thank you, Mike! It's a story EVERY child should read...

  5. "You can't be Hitler in personality" may be one of the finest pieces of dialogue to ever appear in a comic book. God bless you, Edmond Hamilton.

  6. It's funny to hear you say that, Mike! That's the EXACT line that stuck in my ear, too.

    Like, say, an icepick...

  7. LOL! So how did they get out of that one?
