Tuesday, May 17, 2005

One Punch

batman hit gl
Originally uploaded by Scipio1.
I'm shocked. Not shocked that Hal hit Batman. I'm shocked at how many people ARE shocked that Hal hit Batman.

"Dude, nobody hits Batman, man."

Well, Dude, here's a news flash: getting hit is what Batman does. A lot.

Have you ever actually see someone punch, say, Aquaman (god help them)? Flash (how?) ? Even Booster Gold (who is 6 foot 5, ya know)? No.

Batman? Taking a wallop is Batman's superpower. Batman gets clobbered in about one of every three stories he's in. And if you stick with me, I'm going to start proving it, because nothing says,"I'm Batman!" like getting wallopped upside the cranium.


  1. Yeah...but only Hitman ever actually threw up on him....

  2. Oooo! Can you email a scan of that?!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Nobody.. I mean NOBODY got beat up more than the Spirit, though. Or maybe Eisner's depiction of a bloody, disheveled Denny Crane was so killer that it just seemed like he did. I would argue that of the two, the Spirit is the true "beat-up vigilante". (And he was tied up constantly, like "Phantom Lady" often)

  5. Oh, agreed, Jhunt! The amazing thing about Batman is that he's always okay THREE PANELS LATER.

  6. See, I made a snap decision not to Google for the Spirit's last name... big mistake. And I have never, to my knowledge, seen a single episode of Boston Legal. So that's just creepy. As is the mental image of a bloodied but unbeaten William Shatner spitting out a tooth and girding himself for round two with the Squid.

  7. Batman takes a licking.....

    But if he peed on his hands could the yellow fists take out Hal? I think so.

  8. While we're talking about it, Batman and Wolverine need to really get the shit kicked out of them and both be humbled.

    I can't stand these mightier-than-thou characters anymore and the asshole Batman has become has lost all interest for me. Enough with 1986 already. We get it. Move on.

    Ok. I'm done.

    And Guy Gardner carefully placed in that panel with that expression on his face is priceless.

  9. Oh, if they kapow-ing Batman gets monthly hasn't humbled him, nothing will, as I hope the following posts show!

  10. I'll email it tomorrow....

  11. I've missed that email address somewhere haven't I? - Where is it?

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