Saturday, May 21, 2005

Name that villain!

Originally uploaded by Scipio1.
This unprepossesssing linotyper with Scooby-Doo dialog was, unlikely though it may seem, a major villain who nearly flummoxed the entire Justice Society.

You'd recognize his "villain name", though; another villain adopted it and became very, very famous...


  1. T.O. Morrow?

    Dr. Destiny?

    Bloodtype...if not I have to create an insane typist that goes insane and kills anyone who mispells a word while typing.

  2. It's the Psycho-Pirate. The original one, the guy who the Crisis pirate said "could always keep control better" or somesuch. (Hey, I'm at work and my comics are at home, cut me some slack.) :-)

  3. I think - believe it or not - it's Psycho-Pirate

  4. *sigh* Ignore the chaudes spammer, please.

    YES! It is the ORIGINAL Psycho-Pirate.

    The JSA often fought shadowy masterminds of vast criminal enterprises, like the original P-Pirate.

    In many ways, they were more challengely that the pyrotechnical conflicts with supervillains that are more common today.

  5. I have posted some people I hate here... "chaudes"

  6. I've reported him to Blogger and since he's done this lots of other places,too, I assume others have as well.

  7. I guess his spambot only works on blogger comments and not haloscan. I've been spamfree so far. (knock on wood)
