Saturday, April 08, 2023

Say what you like about Geoff Johns...


but the man's got BALLS.


  1. Whoa. Just a little bit blasphemous for Easter, but I'll overlook it.

    He's got balls trying to map all the multiverses into a coherent whole too. This is one of those messes where the more they try to fix things, the more broken it gets.

    Hal Jordan Fan #1 says: it's all different universes and you can traverse them via timeline shifting, universe hopping, or other mechanisms. They work out to the same thing because time and space are ultimately connected, and it's more a matter of the technology you're using to get into the Space/Time Hullabalootion (tm). Depending where you start from and what technology you use and your vibrational speed, some places are more immediately accessible than others, so for example Earth-Two is easy to vibrate into from Earth-One.

    - HJF1

  2. Hello. This is a totally unrelated trio of questions, and I'm completely aware of that, but I'm hoping someone will be enough of a sport to answer them nevertheless. :-)

    After Stephanie Brown/Spoiler "returned from the dead":

    1) when was the next story in which she appeared with Cassandra Cain/Batgirl?

    2) when was the next story in which Batman spoke with Leslie Thompkins?

    3) did anyone make any effort to identify the dead girl in Stephanie's grave and, y'know, Notify Her Parents OSLT? Even a "junkie" might have family and friends.

    Thank you. Take care. :-)

  3. "He's got balls trying to map all the multiverses into a coherent whole too. "
    ON THE EQUIVALENT OF A COCKTAIL NAPKIN. As opposed to Morrison killing entire populations of inkwells to do so an an incomprehensible art project mandala.

    Now THAT is some Golden Age efficiency!

  4. Cybrid, to paraphrase Mark TraiIl:
    "More information about Stephanie Brown can be found on the internet."

  5. Thanks for the interesting and thought-provoking posts

  6. Thanks, HJF#1. I was trying to reconcile the various universes and I really like your take on it. They're all connected, but some are easier to get to than others. That makes perfect sense to me.

  7. It's like my man Hal always said: get hit on the head often enough and you stop questioning things.

    - HJF1
